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A pluripotent cell, such as some adult stem cells. Many different types, but not any different type as that would be totipotent.

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Q: What cell can develop into many different cell types?
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What are the cells that have ability to divide and develop into many types of cells?

A stem cell can develop into other types of cells.

Are cell types different?

Yes, there are many different cell types. The structure of the cell supports its function. Some different types of cells include squamous, columnar, smooth muscle, and nerve.

How do different kinds of cells develop in an embryo?

Every cell contains DNA within the nucleus, containing the blueprint to build many different proteins in the cell. Different signals can cause embryonic cells to select specific parts of the DNA which can then be used to synthesize proteins, eventually building different cell types.

A basic cell that has the potential to develop into many different kinds of cells is called a?

A basic cell that has the potential to develop into many different kinds of cells is called a stem cell. Stem cells can be found in the umbilical cord blood right after birth.

How many different types of cell are in the human body?

Over a thousand.

How many different types of cells are created through cell differentiation?

After the Gastrula stage, cells differentiate into 230 different types of cells.

What is a stem cell also called?

A stem cell is also called a "master cell" because it has the ability to develop into many different types of cells in the body, providing a source for new cells to replace damaged or diseased tissues.

How many proteins are in a cell?

There are about 7,000 different types of protein in the eukaryotic cell, the total number depens on the cell class and function.

How many different plant cell types are there?

There are many different cell types in plants, estimated to be over 200 types. Some common plant cell types include parenchyma, collenchyma, sclerenchyma, and epidermal cells. Each cell type has specific functions and structures that contribute to the overall growth and function of the plant.

What does it mean for a cell to be multiponent?

A multipotent cell has the ability to differentiate into closely related cell types within a specific lineage. It is more specialized than a pluripotent cell but less specialized than a unipotent cell. Examples include hematopoietic stem cells that can give rise to various types of blood cells.

Is octopus unicellular?

No, they are made of many cells and different cell types making them multicellular.

What is the difference between the different types of leukemia especially what makes hairy cell leukemia different from others?

There are many different types of leukemia. Some are acute and some are more chronic. Hairy cell leukemia is one of the worst types. It matures faster than most.