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Paris Peace Accords

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Q: What ceasefire agreement removed US troops from Vietnam?
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When did the US first send troops to Vietnam and when was a ceasefire signed?


Did the US begin fighting in Korea before or after they sent troops to Vietnam?

Well before any US troops were sent to Vietnam. The Korean Conflict kicked off in 1950, and the ceasefire was signed in 1953 (although the conflict remains ongoing). The first American troops didn't arrive in Vietnam until 1954.

Why did Australia withdraw from Vietnam?

A peace agreement was reached with North Vietnam in which the U.S.and Australia would with draw there troops and North Vietnam would stop attacking South Vietnam. After the U.S. and Australia withdrew there troops North Vietnam broke it's agreement and attacked and over ran South Vietnam.

What is a name for a ceasefire in which troops of both sides stop fighting?

And armistice or a truce or a ceasefire are all terms for when troops on both sides agree to stop fighting.

Geneva Accords?

Arranged a settlement which brought about an end to the First Indochina War. The agreement was reached at the end of the Geneva Conference. A ceasefire was signed and France agreed to withdraw its troops from the region.

What were the terms of Geneva Accords?

The Geneva Agreements of 1954 (also, "Geneva Accords") arranged a settlement which brought about an end to the First Indochina War. The agreement was reached at the end of the Geneva Conference. A ceasefire was signed and France agreed to withdraw its troops from the region.

What would happen if America sent more troops into Korea to fight?

There would probably be political concerns from the North Korean side, but there's been an ongoing ceasefire (no peace agreement was ever reached) since the end of the Korean War.

What were the terms of accord?

The Geneva Agreements of 1954 (also, "Geneva Accords") arranged a settlement which brought about an end to the First Indochina War. The agreement was reached at the end of the Geneva Conference. A ceasefire was signed and France agreed to withdraw its troops from the region.

What did the Geneva accords provide for?

It forced French troops to leave Vietnam and divided Vietnam into two countries. (A)

Why US troops at Thailand tdy's in Vietnam 1962?

Why US troops at Thailand tdy's in Vietnam 1962?

Why were the troops pulled out of Vietnam?

The American Military pulled the troops out of Vietnam because of political pressure on the home front.

Who did Kennedy send over to Vietnam?

Kennedy was asked to send additional troops to Vietnam. He sent additional troops and military advisors over to Vietnam to help.