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1. the increasing population of humans caused a decrease in the quality of life. Jupiter and Man were mainly responsible for these changes.

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Q: What caused the golden age to come to an end?
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Why did Spain's Golden age come to an end?

Spain's golden age came to an end when everyone became jealous of them and wanted to start a war with them, all the country's in Europe traveled to Spain and stole all of Spain's riches.

How did the Peloponnesian War end the golden age of Greece?

what ended the greek's golden age was the pellopenesian war. wich caused diseases.

What happened at the end of the golden age?

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when did Rome's golden age end?

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Why did the golden age end?

Athens and Sparta were in a great war

How does the Titanic represent the golden age?

It might help if you understand what a Golden Age is... This is my definition: When a country is doing it's best culturally and economically The titanic, of course, cost a lot of money and it also made people think about what could happen in the future. Also, all golden ages come to an end sometime; as did the titanic! I hope i helped

What brought the golden age to an end?

they got along and thought no more fighting

What brought the end of the golden age to the Athens?

your face brought it......... diana maniacop

What brought an end to the golden age of athens?

your face brought it......... diana maniacop

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According to the Internet the "Golden Age of Nickelodeon" is considered 1991 to the early 2000s. The Amanda Show premiered in 1999 & lasted until 2002 so it was evidently the tail end of this 'Golden Age'.

Hollywood in the golden era of film?

The Golden age of Hollywood refers to the years since the coming of the feature- length talkies with "The Jazz Singer" in 1928 to the 60s. The Films which were shot in the Narrative type were the main-point of this golden age in H'wood.

What has the author Anthony Lacey written?

Anthony Lacey has written: 'At the end of the golden age'