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Aztecs were conquered by Spanish conquistadores on 1521. The fall of the Mayan civilization is still a debate to this day, but everything points to ecological disaster. Finally, it is believed Olmecs declined due to either a volcanic eruption or environmental collapse.

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Q: What caused the downfall of the Aztecs Mayans and olmecs?
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Which civilizations were in early Mexico?

There were several of them, but the most important include the Olmecs, Teotihuacans, Aztecs and Mayans.

What were the differences between the olmecs and the Mayans?

what are some of the diffrentces between mayans and the olmecs

Who came before the Olmecs?

need to know who came first before the Aztec or Mayans? FYI, Aztecs are different from Mayans. They are both civilizations that existed in Mesoamerica, but not simultaneously. The ancestors of the Mayans were thought to be the Toltecs, who eventually caused the decline of their civilization.

What did the Mayas learn from the olmecs?

The Olmecs were the first civilization to rise in Mexico, around 1500 BC. They influenced the rest of the civilizations that flourished in Mexico and Central America, including the Aztecs and Mayans. Some examples of this influence include corn domestication, warfare, religion and human sacrifice.

What Native American tribes lived in Mexico?

Native tribes and peoples who have lived in (or partially in) the area that later became Mexico include:OlmecToltecAztec (Mexica)ChichimecMayaTlaxcallanTarascanZapotecMixtecOtomiTotonacTzotzilTzeltalMazahuaMazatecoHuastecCh'olChinantecPurepechaMixeTlapanecTarahumaraMayoZoqueChontalPopolucaChatinoAmuzgoTojolabalHuicholTepehuanTriquiPopolocaCoraMameYaquiCuicatecoHuaveTepehuaKanjobalPameGuarijioChujChochoTacuateOcuiltecPima bajoJacaltecKekchiLacandonIxcatecSeriK'icheKaqchikelPaipaiTohono O'odham (Papago)CucupaKumiaiCochimiIxilKiliwaAguacatecOpataSoltecPapabucoThis list is far from complete.

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Who were the first people enslaved in America?

the aztecs, mayans, and olmecs.

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There were many, but the most important were the Olmecs, Teotihuacans, Aztecs and Mayans.

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There were many of them. Of special importance are Aztecs, Teotihuacans, Mayans and Olmecs.

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There were several of them, but the most important include the Olmecs, Teotihuacans, Aztecs and Mayans.

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There were many but the four most important were the Aztecs, Mayans, Teotihuacans and Olmecs.

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There were several of them, but the three most important include the Aztecs, Mayans and Olmecs.

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There were many of them, but the four most important were the Aztecs, Mayans, Teotihuacans and Olmecs.

What are the four greatest tribes that lived in the area of Mexico and central America?

The Olmecs, Teotihuacans, Aztecs and Mayans.

What is an example of ancient culture of Mexico?

The Aztecs, Mayans, Teotihuacans, Olmecs, Toltecs and Cholultecs are some examples of such cultures.

Which of these native American societies once exsited in Mexico?

Aztecs, Mayans, Olmecs, Teotihuacans, Zapotecs. There were many, actually.

What were the differences between the olmecs and the Mayans?

what are some of the diffrentces between mayans and the olmecs

What Indian civilization in Mexico developed a writing system and built pyramids?

There were many of them. Of special importance are Aztecs, Teotihuacans, Mayans and Olmecs.