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Q: What caused the Boston Tea Party and how did the British Parliament respond to it?
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Adam's participation in the boycott against this British Act of Parliament caused Parliament to close all counts and thus deprive Adams of income?

The Boston Tea Party

What incident cause the British Parliament to pass the Coercive Acts?

What incident caused the British parliament to pass the coercive Acts

What was the Boston massacre probably caused by?

It was mostly caused by British Troops settling in Boston.

Protest that caused Parliament to pass the Coercive Acts?

The protest that caused Parliament to pass the Coercive Acts was the Boston Tea Party.

What acts of the British Parliament caused the colonists to rebel?

the answer is because Boston would be punished and the parliament decided to close the port of Boston until the colonists paid for their tea . In which the colonists called parliments actions the Intolerable Acts.

What acts of the british parliament caused the colonist rebel?

The Stamp Acts of the British Parliament caused the colonists to rebel. I am pretty sure that this is the answer because I got this answer from my Social Studies book, MACMILLAN/McGRAW-HILL Our Nation.

What two event occurred in Boston that caused tension between colonist and british parliament?

The Boston branch of the Sons of Liberty dumped hundreds of trunks of tea into the harbor in response to British taxation that they did not approve of. The Boston Massacre was another incident between the Sons of Liberty and the British. The Sons threw ice and snowballs at British soldiers. One soldier was knocked off his feet. He stood up and opened fire at the unarmed civilians. 8 people were killed and a few were wounded. The British nobility and Parliament viewed these incidents as open rebellion.

What did the Americans call the the Boston tea party caused Parliament to pass the coercive acts?

Intolerable Acts

How did The Intolerable Acts punish Boston?

the intolerable acts punished boston because they knew colonist were not going to pay for the damages that they caused during the boston tea party so to punish them the parliament decided to put taxes on everything and as part of the quatering act to let british live in vacant houses of the colonists.

What series of event linked the Boston massacre and the Boston tea party?

The British taxes on goods created hard feelings between the British and colonists. British soldiers panicked during a protest and caused the Boston Massacre. The British repealed all taxes except the one on tea in an effort to prove to the colonists that they had the power to tax the colonies. The colonists protested and caused the Boston Tea Party.

The british passed the intolerable acts in response to the Boston massacre.True or false?

false it is caused by the Boston tea party