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they wanted everything to be treated fairly and equally. :)

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Q: What caused some people to want to take land away from wealthy landowners?
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What happened in the US in 1837 that caused people to immigrate to Texas?

Texas was giving land away

Why was chief William Mcintosh killed by his own people?

Because he gave away the Indian territory to the Federal Government which caused the Trail of Tears

Did George Washington Carver have a poor or wealthy family?

he had a tragic but fun childhood but his dad past away

What Roman Emperor but a palace far from rome?

Just about all the Roman emperors had luxurious villas or palaces away from Rome. In the summer months Rome was hot and subject to outbreaks of plague so the emperors and all the wealthy got away if they could. By far the most beautiful and famous of these luxury estates was/is Hadrian's villa.Just about all the Roman emperors had luxurious villas or palaces away from Rome. In the summer months Rome was hot and subject to outbreaks of plague so the emperors and all the wealthy got away if they could. By far the most beautiful and famous of these luxury estates was/is Hadrian's villa.Just about all the Roman emperors had luxurious villas or palaces away from Rome. In the summer months Rome was hot and subject to outbreaks of plague so the emperors and all the wealthy got away if they could. By far the most beautiful and famous of these luxury estates was/is Hadrian's villa.Just about all the Roman emperors had luxurious villas or palaces away from Rome. In the summer months Rome was hot and subject to outbreaks of plague so the emperors and all the wealthy got away if they could. By far the most beautiful and famous of these luxury estates was/is Hadrian's villa.Just about all the Roman emperors had luxurious villas or palaces away from Rome. In the summer months Rome was hot and subject to outbreaks of plague so the emperors and all the wealthy got away if they could. By far the most beautiful and famous of these luxury estates was/is Hadrian's villa.Just about all the Roman emperors had luxurious villas or palaces away from Rome. In the summer months Rome was hot and subject to outbreaks of plague so the emperors and all the wealthy got away if they could. By far the most beautiful and famous of these luxury estates was/is Hadrian's villa.Just about all the Roman emperors had luxurious villas or palaces away from Rome. In the summer months Rome was hot and subject to outbreaks of plague so the emperors and all the wealthy got away if they could. By far the most beautiful and famous of these luxury estates was/is Hadrian's villa.Just about all the Roman emperors had luxurious villas or palaces away from Rome. In the summer months Rome was hot and subject to outbreaks of plague so the emperors and all the wealthy got away if they could. By far the most beautiful and famous of these luxury estates was/is Hadrian's villa.Just about all the Roman emperors had luxurious villas or palaces away from Rome. In the summer months Rome was hot and subject to outbreaks of plague so the emperors and all the wealthy got away if they could. By far the most beautiful and famous of these luxury estates was/is Hadrian's villa.

Did anti-federalists favor a strong centralized government?

No, they believed that the Constitution would take away the rights Americans had fought for against Great Britain. That the Constitution would create a strong central government, ignore the will of the states and people, and favor the wealthy over the common people. Antifederalists preferred a local government close to the people. 1.

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What caused some people to want to take away from wealthy landowners?

they wanted everything to be treated fairly and equally. :)

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White landowners stayed away from Gullah areas.

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Pollution is caused by people being lazy and not throwing away garbage,

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I think the answer you're looking for is a philanthropist. =)

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Yes, his goals were to help the common people, and take power away from the wealthy.

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What did the Romans get from Britain?

the romans got goods, and stole special things from britan. (the british people were rich,wealthy so the romans wanted to take the rich stuff away and they became wealthy). -7th grade teacher

What was the cause of the unusual situation of the Gullah in Georgia and South Carolina?

white landowners stayed away from Gullah areas.

What happened in the US in 1837 that caused people to immigrate to Texas?

Texas was giving land away

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Because his wealth was self-made and he believed that people should have to work to be wealthy and not just be born into it. He also was a philanthropist and believed that wealthy people should give their money away rather than create a dynasty.