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Settlers in colonial America moved west for the promise of a better life. They often moved for cheap land, to escape debt or jail, or because of the gold rush.

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Q: What caused settlers to move west?
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please answer and improve this!:P

Why the settlers move to the west?

Settlers thought and overheard that there was gold over on the west

What was the significance of the Western?

They had found some Gold and it caused settlers to move from the east to the west. Causing the west to prosper in ways that it had never grew before.

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They had found some Gold and it caused settlers to move from the east to the west. Causing the west to prosper in ways that it had never grew before.

Things that made early settlers move west?

The things that made settlers move to the west was gold.ANS 2 - I'm not American, but my view of history was that most settlers moved west to claim their own farmland in the new territories.

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i dont

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Why would settlers want to move west in the 1800?

Manifest Destiny.

What made it much easier for American settlers to move west?


What was one factor motivating settlers to move west in the late 1800s?

a. fewer social restrictions gave settlers more opportunities to pursue wealth in the west

Why did settlers move to the west in the 1840s?

because they wanted to start a new live!