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The major reason for the increase in migrant and temporary workers was the lack of permanent jobs. People lost their homes and went on the road, going wherever they thought work might be found.

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There were so few jobs to be had in the 1930s that people started moving frm town to town looking for temporary (often farming-related) jobs or permanent employment.

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What you were looking for was changed because it was all wrong don't believe it.

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Easiest people to pay back then.

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Q: What caused people to become migrant workers during the great depression?
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Why were there migrant workers during the Great Depression?

Migrant workers suffered quite a bit in the Great Depression. They did not have fixed employment when the Depression began, so they had even less chance of finding a fixed position during the Depression. In addition, people who had been laid off due to the Depression often became migrant workers, meaning there was a problem with homeless men and families moving throughout America looking for jobs. The increase in migrant workers made it even harder for these people to find jobs, since the additional people created more competition and also created new stereotypes of migrant workers that weren't desirable, so it was less likely they would be hired.

Was the severe rise is in unemployment caused by the Great Depression?

the rise of unemployment was because of the great depression because the owners didn't need workers when the stock market crashed.

Howhave migrant workers from Great Depression affected the U.S today?

As WWII started, many of the migrant workers during the years of the Great Depression either joined the military or took advantage of the jobs that were opening up because of the need for war material. Many of the "Okies" that came to California found jobs in the shipyards and defense plants on the west coast. The migrant farmers, grouped into the term "Okie," found a more stable lifestyle and families put down roots in California and other western states, like New Mexico and Arizona. Their descendants continue to live there today. The type of farming that caused the migrant "farmer" to find work continues today but most commercial farms now hire migrant workers and many provide temporary shelter at the work sites during the season. Many of these jobs have been taken over by immigrants from nations south of the border, both legal and illegal, which has helped add to the current national debate over what the government should do about our current immigration laws.

How did hyperinflation contribute to the great depression?

It caused money to become less valuable, making goods difficult to buy.

How did the great depression effect ranch workers?

Life was hard because the dust and bowl and the depression. During the time of a depression money value drops making people less rich comparatively. the dust bowl was tough because it caused crops to dry up not get as much sun light therefor slowing or stopping plant growth the dust also caused very many animals to get sick and also lack of water killed in a sense everything.

Related questions

Why were there migrant workers during the Great Depression?

Migrant workers suffered quite a bit in the Great Depression. They did not have fixed employment when the Depression began, so they had even less chance of finding a fixed position during the Depression. In addition, people who had been laid off due to the Depression often became migrant workers, meaning there was a problem with homeless men and families moving throughout America looking for jobs. The increase in migrant workers made it even harder for these people to find jobs, since the additional people created more competition and also created new stereotypes of migrant workers that weren't desirable, so it was less likely they would be hired.

What caused the wages in California to be so low for migrant workers?

Because they don't have a good house and they are not getting enough money to feed their family.

Who were the migrnat workers and how were they affectede by the Great Depression?

Migrant workers were men who traveled all around the country, hopping trains, hitch-hiking, etc., to find work. The Great Depression caused them to loose their jobs, money, and their homes. In order to make money, they traveled around to work any kind of job they could get, living in shanty towns, or any kind of shelter they could find.

What events caused Roosevelt to become more of an internationalist?

The Great Depression was the major event that caused President Roosevelt to become more of an internationalist.

Was the severe rise is in unemployment caused by the Great Depression?

the rise of unemployment was because of the great depression because the owners didn't need workers when the stock market crashed.

What events caused president roosevelt to become more of an internationalist?

The Great Depression was the major event that caused President Roosevelt to become more of an internationalist.

Howhave migrant workers from Great Depression affected the U.S today?

As WWII started, many of the migrant workers during the years of the Great Depression either joined the military or took advantage of the jobs that were opening up because of the need for war material. Many of the "Okies" that came to California found jobs in the shipyards and defense plants on the west coast. The migrant farmers, grouped into the term "Okie," found a more stable lifestyle and families put down roots in California and other western states, like New Mexico and Arizona. Their descendants continue to live there today. The type of farming that caused the migrant "farmer" to find work continues today but most commercial farms now hire migrant workers and many provide temporary shelter at the work sites during the season. Many of these jobs have been taken over by immigrants from nations south of the border, both legal and illegal, which has helped add to the current national debate over what the government should do about our current immigration laws.

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imunized against HBV

How did hyperinflation contribute to the great depression?

It caused money to become less valuable, making goods difficult to buy.

What is the migrant experience Of Mice and Men?

In "Of Mice and Men," the migrant experience is portrayed through the characters of George and Lennie who travel from place to place seeking work during the Great Depression. They face challenges such as instability, loneliness, and discrimination as they move from one job to another in search of better opportunities. The novel highlights the struggles and hardships faced by migrant workers during this time, shedding light on the harsh realities of their lives.