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On the evening of June 25, 1862, Union General George B. McClellan wired Secretary of War, Edwin Stanton that he requires more troops . McClellan tells Stanton that he believes that the Confederates have in excess of 200,000 troops as the first day of the Seven Days Battles had begun. He informs Stanton that he has just returned from the field of battle and despite his disadvantage he shall battle the Confederates with the power he does have, and will try to repulse any enemy attacks. McClellan had time time telegraph Stanton 4 times that day. One of his requests for reinforcements to Stanton is answered by President Lincoln.Lincoln assures McClellan that he has sent as many troops as he can and to believe that he ( Lincoln ) has been withholding troops is not true. In this telegraph message to McClellan, Lincoln informs the general that he has fully understood the general's belief that there is a strong probability that he will be overwhelmed by the 200,000 enemy troops that he believes are now against McClellan.

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Q: What caused Union General George B McClellan to ask for more troops on June 25 1862?
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How did George B McClellan deal with the confederate states?

George b McClellan was a Union general. All the generals do is command their troops.

What two corps did General McClellan not send to reinforce General Pope's troops at Manassas?

Two corps of the Army of the Potomac were under General McClellan's control at Alexandria. They were General Sumner's Second Corps and General Franklin's Sixth Corps. This totaled 25,000 troops. McClellan saw General Pope as incompetent and did not want to waste good troops to save Pope's hopeless situation. General in Chief Henry W. Halleck ordered McClellan to send these troops to reinforce Pope. McClellan held back these troops as long as possible. McClellan also urged General Pope to not engage the Rebel troops and to retreat to the north.

Who led the troops in the Battle of Antietam?

George McClellan

How did General In Chief George B. McClellan plan to protect Washington DC while he was fighting in the Peninsula?

The US Secretary of War, Edwin Stanton wanted to know from General George B. McClellan, his plans for protecting Washington DC while the main part of the Army of the Potomac was engaged in battle in the Peninsula campaign. Both he and US President Lincoln were concerned that while McClellan was in Virginia fighting his Peninsula campaign that there was a possibility of a Confederate assault on Washington DC.McClellan outlined for Stanton his plans for this. The troops he would leave in and around Washington DC would number 55,500 including the 35,000 troops in the Shenandoah. As General in Chief, McClellan assumed that all of these troops would remain under his command as he parted for Fort Monroe.

A general for northern command of the Army of the Potomac in 1861; nicknamed "Tardy George" because of his failure to move troops to Richmond; lost battle vs. General Lee near the Chesapeake Bay; Lincoln fired him twice.?

George McClellan

Related questions

How did George B McClellan deal with the confederate states?

George b McClellan was a Union general. All the generals do is command their troops.

How many Confederate troops did General George B McClellan believe were being used at the Second Battle of Bull Run?

Although Major General George B. McClellan was not part of the Second Battle of Bull Run, he estimated that General Lee had 120,000 troops. This was double the actual number of troops that General Lee had at his disposal. McClellan's estimate was based on numerous rumors instead of actual facts. McClellan had consistently over estimated the number of Rebel troops that were operating in Northern Virginia.

What actions did Major General George B. McClellan take to increase the size of his army after the Battle of Antietam?

Major General George B. McClellan was unaware that President Lincoln wanted to replace him. McClellan and his War Democrat supporters considered McClellan the hero of Antietam. By the end of October 1862, McClellan had rebuilt his Army of the Potomac to 120,000 troops. He had only 70,000 troops at the battle of Antietam.

What caused US President Lincoln to be displeased with General George B McClellan regarding the failure to reinforce the Army of Virginia in 1862?

US President Lincoln believed that General George B. McClellan could have easily supported and reinforced Pope's Army of Virginia. Lincoln and members of his cabinet believed that McClellan was trying to purposely allow Pope's troops to face a defeat.

How many troops did General George B. McClellan want to have for the Army of the Potomac in the Fall of 1861?

General George B. McClellan was constantly fearful of what he believed was the troop strength of the Confederate armies he would face. With that in mind, McClellan believed that the Army of the Potomac would have to have at least 150,000 troops before he would order any offensives against the South.

How did Abraham Lincoln respond to the union retreat at the battle of bull run?

To appoint George McClellan as commander of the Army of the Potomac.

What two corps did General McClellan not send to reinforce General Pope's troops at Manassas?

Two corps of the Army of the Potomac were under General McClellan's control at Alexandria. They were General Sumner's Second Corps and General Franklin's Sixth Corps. This totaled 25,000 troops. McClellan saw General Pope as incompetent and did not want to waste good troops to save Pope's hopeless situation. General in Chief Henry W. Halleck ordered McClellan to send these troops to reinforce Pope. McClellan held back these troops as long as possible. McClellan also urged General Pope to not engage the Rebel troops and to retreat to the north.

Who led the troops in the Battle of Antietam?

George McClellan

What caused Union General George McClellan to place Yorktown under siege in 1862?

One on the peninsula that would lead the Union army forward to Richmond, General George B. McClellan believed that the number of Confederate troops in Yorktown was larger than it really was. To ensure that the Confederates there would not threaten his goal of assaulting Richmond, McClellan believed that the Rebels had to be routed out of Yorktown. He decided to use a siege to accomplish this.

When did US President Abraham Lincoln realize that Union General George B McClellan left less than twenty thousand troops to guard Washington DC?

On April 3, 1862, US President Lincoln is upset that General George B. McClellan has left less than 20,000 troops to guard Washington DC. McClellan was concerned about his Peninsula Campaign. Lincoln refuses to allow any of General McDowell's forces to join McClellan. This causes a rift between Lincoln and McClellan.

Was Union General George B McClellan eager to fight Confederate troops?

Union General George B. McClellan sought to engage the Confederates when he believed he had an overwhelming number of troops compared to a Southern army. Even when he did, however, his opinion was that he lacked enough troops to handle various major situations. This was evident in the infamous Peninsula campaign. Interference by President Lincoln did not help matters. McClellan should have been directed by the general in chief, Henry Halleck, not the president.

Did General George B. McClellan want to have a garrison in Baltimore in 1861?

General McClellan was aware of how President Lincoln had used troops to secure the border slave state of Maryland. McClellan was also aware that the port of Baltimore could be a Confederate target. With that in mind he recommended in 1861 that 5,000 troops should be garrisoned in Baltimore.