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General Halleck was General US Grants superior officer at the time of the Battle of Shiloh. Grant's failure to entrench his army upon landing at Pittsburg Landing was a major error that could have caused a Federal defeat. Halleck was infuriated and took control of Grant's army and led it to Corinth, Mississippi.

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Q: What caused Major General Henry W. Halleck to take over General Grant's army after the Battle of Shiloh?
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What Union general won the US Civil War Battle of Shiloh?

Under the orders of Major General Henry W. Halleck, both generals US Grant and Don Carlos Buell were ordered to Pittsburg Landing in April of 1862. It was clear to Major General Halleck, who commanded Union forces in the Western Theater, that US Grant had been caught by surprise by the Rebels at Shiloh. If Buell's army did not reinforce Grant the night before the second day of battle at Shiloh, the Rebels would have been the victors there. With that said, Buell did indeed arrive in time to reinforce Grant. The now badly outnumbered Rebels were forced into retreat on day two of the battle. While "history" gives the victory to General Grant, his superior officer, General Halleck did not. He immediately left his base in St. Louis to take charge of Union forces after Shiloh. Halleck believed Grant had made a terrible error. Only when Halleck was called to Washington DC to become the new general in chief, did Grant regain his army.

Did Confederate Major General Albert S. Johnston die at the Battle of Corinth Mississippi?

Major General Albert S. Sidney was killed on the first day of the Battle of Shiloh in 1862. Union General Halleck took over the armies of general grant and Buell and pursued the Rebels to Corinth. On May 30, 1862, the Rebels abandoned Corinth to Halleck.

What was general lee's stragegy for the Battle of Shiloh?

General Lee didn't fight at Shiloh.

Who was the general of the Shiloh Battle for the south?

The highly-rated General Sidney Johnston, killed at Shiloh.

What general was briefly relieved of command after the Battle of Shiloh?

general grant

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What US Civil War battle gave Major General Henry W. Halleck his first personal command of an army?

Although President Lincoln had appointed Major General Henry W. Halleck to command Union forces in the West, Halleck had never personally commanded a large army. Halleck's major strength was that of a tactician. After the Union victory at the Battle of Shiloh, Halleck lost confidence in General Grant. Immediately after the Battle of Shiloh, he left his headquarters in St. Louis to command the armies of generals Grant, Buell and Pope. Halleck was then personally in command of a force of over 100,000 troops.

What did General US Grant say about General Halleck's takeover of Grant's army?

Almost immediately after the Battle of Shiloh, Grant's commanding officer, General Halleck left his headquarters in St. Louis and took charge of Grant's army. Grant wrote to his wife " General Halleck is here and I am truly glad of it".

What was one major handicap of Major General Henry W Halleck?

Major General Henry W. Halleck was placed in charge of the Western Theater of the US iCvil War. After the near defeat at the Battle of Shiloh, Halleck left his headquarters in St. Louis to personally command the armies now at Shiloh. He formed a 100,000 man army by adding the troops of General Pope to his own. The major problem was that Halleck had never commanded a force larger than a platoon. His objective was to confront the Rebel forces of PT Beauregard, who had escaped from Shiloh and was headed to Corinth, Mississippi.

What Union general won the US Civil War Battle of Shiloh?

Under the orders of Major General Henry W. Halleck, both generals US Grant and Don Carlos Buell were ordered to Pittsburg Landing in April of 1862. It was clear to Major General Halleck, who commanded Union forces in the Western Theater, that US Grant had been caught by surprise by the Rebels at Shiloh. If Buell's army did not reinforce Grant the night before the second day of battle at Shiloh, the Rebels would have been the victors there. With that said, Buell did indeed arrive in time to reinforce Grant. The now badly outnumbered Rebels were forced into retreat on day two of the battle. While "history" gives the victory to General Grant, his superior officer, General Halleck did not. He immediately left his base in St. Louis to take charge of Union forces after Shiloh. Halleck believed Grant had made a terrible error. Only when Halleck was called to Washington DC to become the new general in chief, did Grant regain his army.

What is the date of the US Civil War Battle of Shiloh?

The US Civil War Battle of Shiloh was on April 6-7 1862 in Tennessee. It was the first major bloody battle of the war. Previous ones had been large, however their casualty rates were low compared to Shiloh. The battle was a Union victory for generals US Grant, Buell, and the head of the Western Theater for the North, General Henry Wager Halleck. In fact, for military purposes, the Union victory at Shiloh boasted the image of the commanding general of the West, Henry Halleck. He was so disturbed at the events at Shiloh, he came from Missouri to take control of Northern forces in Tennessee. Even though the Union won, Halleck believed that Union General Grant was to blame for almost having the South win.

Did Confederate Major General Albert S. Johnston die at the Battle of Corinth Mississippi?

Major General Albert S. Sidney was killed on the first day of the Battle of Shiloh in 1862. Union General Halleck took over the armies of general grant and Buell and pursued the Rebels to Corinth. On May 30, 1862, the Rebels abandoned Corinth to Halleck.

What caused Union General Halleck to be so cautious after the victory at Shiloh?

Union General Halleck was cautious after the Union victory at Shiloh because of the near defeat of Grants army. Afterwards it took his forces of over 100,000 men more than a month to cover the 30 miles between Shiloh and Corinth. This was due to the fact he insisted on marching only 1/2 a day. The army spent the rest of the day digging entrenchments to defend against any Confederate attacks. Halleck was much too conservative as any enemy armies were far outnumbered and too weakened to launch any offensives against Halleck.

What was general lee's stragegy for the Battle of Shiloh?

General Lee didn't fight at Shiloh.

What type of military operation did Major General Henry W Halleck take after the US Civil War Battle of Shiloh?

Major General Henry W. Halleck was in charge of Union operations in the western theater when the Battle of Shiloh took place. He was disturbed by the fact that the Union army almost lost that important battle. He decided to leave his headquarters office in St. Louis and personally lead the Union forces that were under generals US Grant and Don Carlos Buell. To this was added forces under the command of General Pope. His plan was to destroy the Confederate army that escaped from Shiloh and was now positioned in Corinth, Mississippi.

What civil war general forced confederate general beauregard out of corinth?

Major General Henry W. Halleck pursued General PT Beauregard to Corinth, Mississippi after the Battle of Shiloh. Halleck had taken personal control of the armies of Buell and Grant. At Corinth, the Rebels were outnumbered by a two to one margin, and under the cover of night evacuated the city.

Who was the general of the Shiloh Battle for the south?

The highly-rated General Sidney Johnston, killed at Shiloh.

What vital action did General Grant fail to make upon arriving at Pittsburg Landing in 1862?

Although General Halleck was not perfect, he did become the Union's general in chief in the Summer of 1862. With that said, Halleck deserved the opportunity President Lincoln offered to him. Halleck was a great strategist and realized that General Grant was a logical target for a Confederate assault at Pittsburg Landing, leading to the Battle of Shiloh. Halleck ordered General Buell to make a hasty trip down river to reinforce Grant. Halleck believed that unless these two armies were united, they might be outnumbered. Grant failed to follow one crucial order from Halleck, Halleck had ordered Grant to take a strong defensive position at Pittsburg Landing and to entrench his army. This General Grant failed to do.