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Q: What caused Confederate doctors to give General Lee a complete physical examination prior the Battle of Chancellorsville?
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What is the preparation for lithotripsy?

Prior to the lithotripsy procedure, a complete physical examination is done, followed by tests to determine the number, location, and size of the stone or stones. A test called an intravenous pyelogram, or IVP, is used to locate the stones.

What physical injury to Union General Joseph Hooker damaged his chance to win the Battle of Chancellorsville?

Union General Joseph Hooker suffered an injury that was costly for the Union. Problems for Union General Joseph Hooker began on May 3, 1863. Forces under the command of General JEB Stuart, who had replaced the fallen Stonewall Jackson, advanced towards Hooker's troop concentration at Chancellorsville. Hooker decided to consolidate the battle line held by Union General Sickle's 3rd Corps. This forced Hooker to make a grave mistake. He withdrew troops and artillery from the high ground at Hazel Grove. The Confederates immediately replaced the federals there and Rebel artillery had a clear shot at Union positions. One such cannon shot injured General Hooker. The blast from a cannon knocked him unconscious. A Confederate shell had hit his headquarters. His injury caused General Darius Couch to take command. His appeal to Sickle's for reinforcements went unheeded. This caused Hooker's combat line to crumble under Confederate assaults.

What is Tzanck preparation?

Procedure in which skin cells from a blister are stained and examined under the microscope. Visualization of large skin cells with many.nuclei indicates a positive diagnosis of herpes zoster when combined with results from a physical examination.

What do you have to do to be in the army?

You volunteer (you enlist or join the Army).

What skills made the Southerners good soldiers?

Personally, I think this is overrated. Yes, the Southerners grew up on farms, were used to working hard and long hours, were usually in good physical condition, often experienced with horses and shooting---but so were most of the Northern soldiers. What the Southerners did have in spades was superior leadership, knowledge of the terrain, and a much easier strategic objective: all they had to do was protect their territory from the North which was faced with the task of conquering a massive territory and holding on to it. The individual soldiers were not as different as people make them out to be. It is also worth noting that many Confederate soldiers were former Union soldiers. When their states seceded they left the Union army and joined the Confederate army. Many Confederate officers were West Point graduates, some having served with distinction in Mexico. There is a common misconception that the Confederate army was composed of good ol' boys that were handy with a rifle from hunting. In fact, the Confederate army was very disciplined, well-organized, and superbly led.

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You will have to submit a complete medical history and undergo a complete physical examination. AND don't be surprised if you also must undergo a psychological examination as well.

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A physical examination is an evaluation of the body and its functions using inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation. A complete health assessment also includes gathering information about a person's medical history and lifestyle.

What is done prior to lithotripsy?

Prior to the lithotripsy procedure, a complete physical examination is performed, followed by tests

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The three parts of a complete patient examination typically include the history taking, physical examination, and assessment/evaluation of findings. The history taking involves gathering information about the patient's symptoms, medical history, and any relevant details. The physical examination involves a hands-on evaluation of the patient's body to assess different systems and functions. Finally, the assessment/evaluation phase involves analyzing all collected information to arrive at a diagnosis or treatment plan.

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The three basic parts of a typical urine examination are physical examination (color, clarity, odor), chemical examination (testing for specific compounds like glucose, protein, and ketones), and microscopic examination (analyzing urine sediments for cells, crystals, and other particles).

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When the doctor suspects lymphoma, a complete medical history is taken, and a thorough physical examination is performed.

What has the author L Lodewick written?

L. Lodewick has written: 'The physical examination' -- subject(s): Atlases, Physical Examination, Physical diagnosis

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Auscultation is the portion of the physical examination that provides information by hearing.

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Write a medical report describing the history, symptoms, and physical examination findings of a patient with Bell's Palsy. To get an idea of the report format, refer to the history and physical examination report for this week or examples in the textbook. You could use the encyclopedia at to complete this assignment.

When usually physical examination does?

If you are asking when you should get a physical examination for your body, then I can answer this. You need to get a physical usually every year, also if you take any medicine you may get med checks every so often and usually a physical examination will go along with that.