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The surprise Japanese attack upon Pearl harbor , Hawaii December 7, 1941 .

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The Pearl Harbour incedent

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Q: What cause us to join World War II?
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Why did the soviet union join the II world war?

Because they were invaded by Germany.

Who did US join in World War 2?

The United States of America joined the Allied Nations in World War II.

When did America join in world War II n Europe?

dec 8 1942

Why was Adolf Hitler know for?

he was the cause for world war II, and the holicost

Why didn't Spain join the conflict in World War II?

Spain and Portugal were both neutral during World War 2 and didn't take sides.

What happened with the Nazis in 1941?

This timeline for the events that occurred with the Nazis and the Allies came from Wikipedia under the heading of World War 2. You can click on each month to get full details for each month of 1941.timeline of events that stretched over the period ofworld-war-ii.Contents[hide]timeline-of-world-war-ii-1941timeline-of-world-war-ii-1941timeline-of-world-war-ii-1941timeline-of-world-war-ii-1941timeline-of-world-war-ii-1941timeline-of-world-war-ii-1941timeline-of-world-war-ii-1941timeline-of-world-war-ii-1941timeline-of-world-war-ii-1941timeline-of-world-war-ii-1941timeline-of-world-war-ii-1941timeline-of-world-war-ii-1941timeline-of-world-war-ii-1941timeline-of-world-war-ii-1941

Did world war begin in Europe?

World War I and World War II both started in Europe.World War I and World War II both started in Europe.World War I and World War II both started in Europe.World War I and World War II both started in Europe.World War I and World War II both started in Europe.World War I and World War II both started in Europe.World War I and World War II both started in Europe.World War I and World War II both started in Europe.World War I and World War II both started in Europe.World War I and World War II both started in Europe.World War I and World War II both started in Europe.

What branch of the service could women join in world war 2?

Women could join all branches of the armed forces during WW-II.

What were the world changing events of World War 1?

NOTHING. That war was pointless. It cause World War II. It was pretty much every country proving their strength...

When did Britain join World War II?

Britain declared war on Germany on 3rd September 1939, two days after Germany invaded Poland.

What incidents caused the formation of intergovernmental organizations such as the United Nations?

World War I, World War II, and the Cold War

What century was World War II in?

World War II happened in the 20th century.