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The Volkswagen Kubelwagen .

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

Mercedez and Kubelwagons

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Q: What cars for World War 2 german officers?
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What were the German armored cars for world war 1?

Just standard automobiles of the times, plated with steel sheets.

Did German officers come to Britain as tourists before the war?

Yes. German officers came to Britain as tourists before the war. Also Japanese fishing boats visited every harbor and took soundings.

What were cars used for in World War 1?

During WW1 cars were used to transport officers around. They were also used to transport troops and supplies. There were very few cars during this time so the supply was limited.

Which World War 2 Nazis worked in japan?

Liaison Officers were the primary WW2 German Staff that worked in WW2 Japan; as were Japanese Liaison Officers stationed in WW2 Germany. Liaison Officers maintain communication between the two military elements.

Did German officers of World War 2 wear helmets?

not all the time they only wore helmets in combat but they were hardly ever in combat so yes they did

Were cars invented after World War 2?

There were cars well before World War 2. Before World War 1 even.

What color were the German army cars Mercedes Benz painted during World War 2?

they were painted black with a red nazi symbol

What is German for World War I?

"der Erster Weltkrieg" is the correct German term for "World War one"

What helped compensate for heavy combat losses of officers in World War 1?

Improved NCO training helped to compensate for the losses of officers in World War 1.

What were the German War Aims in World War Two?

German supremacy over Europe.

How many billeting officers were there in World War 2?


How much is a World War 2 German officers hat worth?

Depending on it's condition, it could be anywhere from $50 (very low quality) to $750 (very high quality).