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Q: What can you see in the qualities of the feudal system that made wars more likely?
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What is Meaning of feudalism?

The feudal system; a system by which the holding of estates in land is made dependent upon an obligation to render military service to the kind or feudal superior; feudal principles and usages.

What did the kings of the feudal system do?

he provided money for his community and made rules

In the feudal system the person who made a grant of land to another person?


Who was in complete control under the feudal system?

A lack of true central power weakened and doomed the Rus' to outside ... Lacking a feudal system of vassal loyalty made it impossible for any prince, .... In theory, this meant that the land was held under The Crown as ultimate feudal superior.

What made it easy for rulers to control large areas of land in ancient china?

the creation of a feudal system

When did the feudal system take place and why?

The feudal system took place first in Ancient China, and years later was founded by Medival Europe (not from the chinese) and adopted it. It was used because it made managing the land easier for the monarchs, dividing the power among barons and lords.

In feudal system The person who made a grant of land to another person?

A lord or monarch would typically make a grant of land to another person in the feudal system. This grant, known as a fief, would be given in exchange for military service or other obligations.

What were the good qualities of a good feudal lord?

The feudal system was based on reciprocity: the lord (often the king) was loyal to his warriors, rewarding them in the right measure with lands and goods for their services and ensuring that they would continue to serve him in war and peace; the warriors (the knights) had the sacred duty to serve only their king, hold and govern the lands he had given them as a fief and fight for him if he called them to war. A good feudal lord - if he was the king - made sure that his rewards for loyalty and bravery were seen by the recipient and others as just and open-handed; a good feudal lord - if he was the king's subject - made sure his loyalty was seen as rock-solid, paying homage to the king at the appropriate moments, and that he was seen by the king as a good administrator of his fief.

How was the Feudal System made legal in Scotland?

Look ur all taking this as a joke but u no ma peeps and me need to do our home work

How did the Magna Carta and the Devastation of the Black Death weaken the feudal hierarchy?

The Black Death weakened the feudal system for a couple of reasons. First, the peasants found it possible to move outside their class. They formed the merchant class and made a profit from selling and trading goods. Second, after the plague, the peasants began to realize that even the nobles were not protected from the plague. They originally thought that God was protecting them, but the plague changed their point of view. Slowly, the feudal system collapsed and an oligarchy system was formed instead.

How did the Hundred Years' War weaken the feudal system in France and Europe?

The Hundred Years War weakened the feudal system because of the high number of deaths. The scarcity of people made labor much more in demand, and it was no longer beneficial for peasants to work for a manor Lord, or for knights to commit to one. Power went to the monarchs.

What was the chivalric code and how did it manifest itself in feudal society?

The chivalric code was a code in Feudal society that nobles adhered to. The chivalric code was essential in Feudal society because it made the feudal contract meaning. Part of the code was being honest and breaking a feudal oath was unacceptable socially.