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Q: What can you infer about the fact that in final version of the declaration the word despotism is boldfaced?
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Who are the editors of the declaration of independence?

the declaration of endependence was edite as a final version by john adams

Whose handwriting is on the Declaration of independence?

Timothy Matlack. The Declaration as we know it today is what is called an "engrossed copy". After Jefferson's rough draft was edited by Adams and Franklin first, then by the Convention, a final version was agreed upon. The document with all the editing was in Jefferson's handwriting, but an official final draft had to be made. The edited version was given to Timothy Matlack and he wrote the Declaration in larger letters and on a larger piece of paper to be the official draft to go to the printer.

What part did john Adams write in the declaration of independence?

Adams met with Jefferson, Franklin and one or two others, to make suggestions to Jefferson on what to include in the Declaration. Adams and Franklin later went through the draft Declaration of Jefferson's, and made little corrections/additions/deletions to include in the final version.

When did the delegates finally agree on the final version of the Declaration of Independence?

never on July 2,1776 but not published till July 4,1776

This quotation was from the original draft of the declaration of independence it was listed as one of the grievances against king george iii why was it removed from the final version?

Some of the states still supported slavery and wished to keep it

What is meant by the phrase 'final version'?

The phrase "final version" simply means that a product or software has released its final version of its line. Usually, it means that it will be the last and there will be no improvements or changes made to it.

What is the final part of the declaration of independence'?

statement of independence

When do you declare a class as final?

By using the final keyword in the class declaration statement. Ex: public final class Test {...}

What are synonyms for unalienable?

untransferable, non-transferable, God-given, "natural rights," unassignable, absolute, inalienable. The final version of the Declaration of Independence used the word "unalienable," but some of the earlier drafts used "inalienable."

how long did it take to make the declaration of indipendence?

The committee presented the final draft before Congress on June 28, 1776, and Congress adopted the final text of the Declaration of Independence on July 4.

What is a blackline version of a document?

A blackline version of a document is the final version after all revisions have been accepted.

What is meant by la key es funcional tanto en la version 4 como en la version 5 Final?

It means: the key is functional in both version 4 and final version 5