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it can brake your bones and cause internal bleeding plus leaving a couple spikes

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Q: What can the medieval flail do to you?
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Related questions

Who invented the medieval flail?

The Medieval Flail was invented by a human

What is medieval spiky ball with a chain called?

A Mace Flail.

How did knights protect themselves against a medieval flail?

their stomach gas

How much does the medieval flail weigh?

A medieval flail typically weighed between 2 to 5 pounds, depending on the design and materials used. The weight was distributed between the handle and the spiked ball, allowing for effective use in combat.

Could a person kill a bear with a medieval style flail?

-Very amusing question! I would say it is possible, but not likely. You would have to be quite a bad-ass with a flail! :))

What were Medieval Spiked Battle Flail used for?

they were used to kill, torture, or seriously ingure someone

What tree has red spiked balls that look like a medieval flail also called mace?

It's a Kousa Dogwood.

How much did a medieval fail weigh?

First, it is the medieval and it is flail. To answer your question, the average flail weighed 10 to 20 pounds depending on who was going to use it and if it was for cavalry or for hand to hand combat and if it needed to be armer piercing. Flails could also be thrown to ensnare enemies but that takes extreme practice and true aim and skill. Hope this helps!

What was the flail made out of?

The flail was mainly made of metal.

What is a sentence for flail.?

Pirates would use a cat of nine tails to flail a prisoner.The Aztecs used a flail to thresh corn.A person that can not swim will flail their arms rather than relax and float.

On Runscape can flail dust be made into Ivandis flail again?

Unfortunately, no. Flail dust is completely without purpose, and serves only to inform the player that their Ivandis Flail has completely discharged. It cannot be recovered through any use of the dust. You will need to reconstruct the flail from the beginning. Sorry!

How tall is Joshua Flail?

Joshua Flail is 6' 3 1/2".