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Well it do pen on what your doing?Love sally
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Q: What can each of us do to contribute to making a more united community?
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Each person has a choice on how they want to contribute to their country. Examples of how you can contribute to your country are by leaving a smaller carbon footprint on the environment by recycling, helping members of your community by volunteering, or by joining the military.

In the giver What two things did the committee consider when giving children there assignments?

The committee considered the children's interests and abilities when assigning them their roles in the community. They also took into account the needs of the community and where each child could best contribute.

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There is one Governor in each state making 50 Governors.

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Some good things about a community is that social interaction creates the feeling of people being part and parcel of that community. A negative aspect is that some people don't feel part of the community, so they don't contribute anything significant to the maintenance of the community structure.

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What are the gifts in The Giver?

In the novel "The Giver," the gifts refer to the special abilities or characteristics that each person in the community has. These gifts are assigned by the Elders to individuals based on their traits and aptitudes, such as precision of language, sensitivity to the environment, or intelligence. The gifts are meant to help each person contribute effectively to the community.

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Type your answer here... The fields of technology and science contribute to each other.

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Prudential personalism is an ethical approach that recognizes that human nature is embodied in each individual in a unique manner and, as such, the role of free will and intelligence in decision making is a personal right. Friendship with God and with others is of primary concern in this ethical framework. Moral choices are not based on abstract ideals, but rather on practical, situational and contextual bases for each individual. In making ethical choices, a person asks "How will this action, in ths context, contribute to my growth or to the growth of those in my community?" (Ashley and O'Rourke, 1997)

Who decides each twelves assignment in the book the giver?

The Committee of Elders, a group of older community members in charge of decision-making, assign roles to each Twelve based on their aptitudes and traits. The assignments are determined through a process of observation, evaluation, and matching individual strengths with community needs.