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Q: What brought about the need for social reform?
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According to the lesson what brought about the need for social reform?

The need for social reform depends on the time. In the early 1990's in places like NYC many people lived in walkup slums and conditions that were substandard. Social reform began to take place and places opened like Hull House.

What contribution did the muckrakers make to reform movement?

The muckrakers investigated and exposed social, political, and economic corruption and problems through their publications. They brought the issues to the public's attention so that action could be taken to reform the problems.

What contribution did muckraker make to the reform?

The muckrakers investigated and exposed social, political, and economic corruption and problems through their publications. They brought the issues to the public's attention so that action could be taken to reform the problems.

Wilson's program of political and social reform was called what?

Wilson's program of political and social reform was called progessivismWilson's program of political and social reform was called progessivism

What was the goal of the social reform in the 1830?

The goal of social reform in the 1830s was to improve the conditions of life.

What contribution did muckrakers make to reform movement?

The muckrakers investigated and exposed social, political, and economic corruption and problems through their publications. They brought the issues to the public's attention so that action could be taken to reform the problems.

What was the belief of many Progressives who followed Walter Rauschenbusch Social Gospel program?

Christianity should be the basis of social reform.

Health care reform is a social tax will it work?

Health Care Reform is a social tax, will it work?

Is a reform for health a social reform?

It only may become a social reform in practice when the ethical side of opinion has changed for and decisions being made are being carried out really for reform.

Is prohibition an example of economic reform?

No; prohibition is an example of social reform.

Which of the following were results of the 1949 Communist Revolution?

land reform;economic reform;Great Leap Forward;political reform;social reform;

The Southern states adopted the northern system of?

Government-funded urban social reform