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Q: What broke off talks between Eisenhower and Khrushchev?
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Which cold war incident broke off important talks between eisenhower and khrushchev in 1950?


Why were there peace talks between Eisenhower and Khrushchev?

Eisenhower and Khrushchev met for two days of peace talk in 1959 in order to clarify each others positions on various issues and also to discuss strategies for bringing peace. No formal agreements were reached during these discussions. Their meetings were mainly gestures of open communication between the US and Soviet Union.

Which cold war incident broke off important talks between eisenhower and khrushev in1960?

The Bay of Pigs stand off in Cuba when USSR began putting missles on the island.

What was the impact of the U-2 incident?

If you mean the incident where the US U-2 Plane was shot down over USSR, one consequence was that in the 1960 Paris Conference where the leaders met to discuss issues like the Berlin crisis, Khrushchev walked out when Eisenhower wouldn't apologize and talks there were a disaster for Us and USSR relations. :)

What war was going on when Eisenhower became president?

The war in Korea was going on when Eisenhower ran for President. He began peace talks while he was still president-elect.

Who met in the Kitchen Debate?

This was the name given to the talks that took place between Vice President Richard Nixon and the Soviet Unions Premier Nikita Khrushchev in a model kitchen at the American National Exhibition Moscow.(1959).

What was one of the impacts of U 2 incident?

If you mean the incident where the US U-2 Plane was shot down over USSR, one consequence was that in the 1960 Paris Conference where the leaders met to discuss issues like the Berlin crisis, Khrushchev walked out when Eisenhower wouldn't apologize and talks there were a disaster for Us and USSR relations. :)

What was the cause of the U-2 crisis in USSR?

The Soviets shot down a U-2 piloted by Francis Gary Powers inside the Soviet Union. The crisis disrupted talks between Eisenhower and Kruchev,

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No. He talks about how they broke up in his autobiography.

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