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Both the executive and the judicial branches. But at least there was what you might call an executive branch - although it worked very differently from the way the US Presidency functions - but the Romans did not have a separate, independently functioning Judicial branch. So that is very probably the one you are looking for.

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Q: What branch of the US government was not copied from the Romans?
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The purpose of the executive branch of the US government is to enforce laws.

Why do you think so many US government buildings reflect Greek and Roman architecture?

Yes. Buildings like the Capitol and the White House were built in the neoclassical style, a style which copied the styles of the Greeks and Romans.

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the government has 3 branches, the legislative branch, the judicial branch and the executive branch. That is actually the us government.

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The executive branch of the US government is the president.

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the Legislative branch

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The executive branch of the US government is headed by the President.

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The Legislative Branch of the US Government includes the Senate.

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