

What branch interprets laws?

Updated: 12/24/2022
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12y ago

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the judicial branch

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Q: What branch interprets laws?
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Which branch of government interprets nations laws?

The judicial branch interprets the nation's laws.

Which government branch interprets our laws?

The Judicial Branch interprets the laws. The Legaslative Branch makes the laws. The Executive Branch carries out the laws.

Which branch of government interprets laws?

The judicial branch interprets the law.

The judicial branch does what with the law?

The Judicial Branch interprets laws and ensures they are constitutional.

Which part of the government interprets laws?

The Judicial Branch, or the courts.executive is president. jucicial is the court. and the legislative branch makes and interprets laws

What is the part of the government that interprets the law?

The Judicial Branch of government interprets and reviews laws passed by the legislature.

Which branch of government interprets the nations law?


What do the 3 parts of the government do?

The legislative branch make laws. The executive branch enforces the laws. The judicial branch interprets the laws.

What is the purpose of each of the branches?

The legislative branch makes the laws, the executive branch enforces the laws, and the judicial branch interprets the laws.

Can the judicial branch sign bills into laws?

No. The Judicial Branch cannot make laws. This branch interprets laws. However, the Legislature Branch can make laws.

Who interprets laws?

The Judicial Branch.Supreme Court

What makes the country's laws legislative branch or executive branch or judicial branch?

Laws are made by the legislative branch of government. The executive branch executes the laws, and the judicial branch interprets the laws.