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Great Salt Lake

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Q: What body of water lies at 41 degress north latitude and 112 degress west longitude '?
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What is 25 north latitude and 80 west longitude?

25 north latitude and 80 west longitude is actually water, about 60-70 km east from coasts of Miami.

What body of water is 80 degrees north latitude 160 degrees west longitude?

The body of water located at 80 degrees north latitude and 160 degrees west longitude is the Arctic Ocean. This region is part of the Arctic Circle and is characterized by cold temperatures and icy conditions.

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The North Sea :)

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The coordinates 30°N latitude, 120°W longitude point to an area in the Pacific Ocean, near the coast of California but offshore.

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Lake Okeechobee

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Is 30 degrees north latitude and 120 degrees west longitude on land or water?

Atlantic Ocean

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gulf of Mexico

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The Persian Gulf.

Is the location 45 degrees north latitude 82 degrees west longitude on land or under water?
