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Q: What best explains why the North supported high tariffs on foreign goods?
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Why did northerners support tariffs?

The north supported tariffs because it protected their industries and factories. Since the economy of the north was based off of their type of production, they wanted people to buy goods from them, not foreign markets.

Why did the North wanted Tariffs and the South did not?

The North wanted to proetct its industry against foreign imports. The South only had cotton, and needed all kinds of imports. So the Tariffs were seen as a tax by the North on the South.

What side opposed tariffs north or south?

the south opposed tariffs because they had to import all of their stuff from foreign countries

Which best explains why the North advocated for high protective tariffs in the first half of the 19th century?

High protective tariffs were placed on foreign goods in order to give newly established American businesses a chance to compete with foreign companies. Many people disagreed with this strategy and felt the real reason they were put in place was to bring revenue to the government.

Why did north and the south have different positions on higher tariffs?

North had factories that made goods- they wanted higher tariffs on imports to protect their businesses from competition. The South wanted to be able to buy from the North OR from foreign markets, and wanted lower tariffs (lower prices for them to pay)

Why did the north favor high tariffs?

The South didn't want high tariffs because their economy relied on foreign trade.

What do you think was the goal of U.S tariffs?

To protect manufacturing industry from cheap foreign imports. Industry was mostly in the North. The South wanted cheap imports. So the tariffs looked like the North taxing the South.

What were some of the effects to tariffs in the 18oos?

High tariffs were opposed in the south because the south didn't have factories like the north so they had to import their manufactured goods unlike the north who already had them. The north supported high tariffs because it protected their workers and because they didn't need manufactured goods to be imported because they had factories that supplied their manufactured goods.

How are the North and South different from their suggestion of tariffs?

the north and the south both had differnt veiws or belives on tariffs. The North wanted tariffs and the south did not.

How did north and south feel about tariffs?

The north approved protection for tariffs, people bought cheaper manufactured goods.

Did the north support tariffs?

Yes the North did seek high tariffs in the antebellum days. This was due to the idea that unless imported goods were taxed, Northern factories might lose business to foreign enterprises. They especially wanted the South to be the exclusive buyers of its products to help the plantation system that then existed in the South.

What did the north and south want in terms of foreign trade control by congress?

The North wanted tariffs on imports, to protect its manufacturing industry. The South had virtually no manufacturing industry, so it wanted cheap imports.