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Q: What belief did Thomas Hooker believe about voting?
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Who expanded voting rights in the Connecticut colony?

Thomas Hooker expanded voting rights in Connecticut to people other than church members.

What did thomas jefferson believe abouth jury duty?

Thomas Jefferson did believed that serving on a jury is even more important than voting.

Who is Alabama voting for?

I believe Romney is supported by Alabama.

Why did early voting start?

It asked why not when... It started because of all the chaos in the voting lines in 2004... at least that's my belief. There were people in line for over 8 hours in that election.

What is the most common form of political activity?

i believe its voting

Whites used to block blacks from voting?

I believe so............................................................................................................................

Why is voting a duty?

Not everyone would agree. Some believe voting is a right, others say it is a duty, and still others believe it is both. It is something everyone has to decide for themselves and act accordingly.

Which Amendment extended voting rights to women?

The 19th. In 1920, I believe.

What is a pull tax?

I believe you mean a "poll" tax, which was a tax on voting, basically...

Should voters have to understand the voting process?

yes i believe they should have to know about the voting process and also you should have to also be infromed more on who you are voting for im sick of people who dont no a thing about the person they are voting for like im 15 and i can out debate these people

What has the author Thomas M Holbrook written?

Thomas M. Holbrook has written: 'Do campaigns matter?' -- subject(s): Presidents, Voting, Election, Political campaigns

Did Senator Joseph Biden vote for Clarence Thomas for the supreme court?

Thomas was confirmed by a vote of 52-48, with Biden again voting nay.