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Q: What became to god of the Romans?
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What is the Greek God of speed?

Athena and herpes. Hermes, actually. He became Mercury (quicksilver) to the Romans.

Why did Romans change greek god names?

So the Greek Myths could be understood by Roman people; and so the Greek Myths became a part of the Romans.

Why was a wolf the symbolic animal of the Romans?

The Romans essociated wolves with the god Apollo. They sometimes called him Apollo Lykios or Wolf-Apollo. He also became known as Lyceum or wolf skin.

What became god of the Romans?

There were many Roman gods and goddesses but the Roman Emperor converted the Empire to Christ just before the fall of Rome.

Which god did the Romans worshipp?

Mars the god of war was the Romans' main deity. They believed he was Romulus' father.

Who lived in the dessert praying for god to save them from the Romans?

No one lived in the dessert praying for god to save them from the Romans.

How many time is God mention in Romans 1?

The word God occurs 21 times in Romans 1

Who became the father of the Romans?

The Trojans, at least according to the Aeneid. Then there is the story of Romulus and Remus, who's father was the god Mars. In reality, the ancestors of the Romans more than likely were native farmers who banded together for mutual trade and protection.

Why did the Romans make Apollo a god?

the Romans made Apollo a god because they wanted to. they were to lazy to pick anyone else.

Why did the Romans worship Jupiter?

The Romans had a pantheon of gods which they worshipped. In particular, Jupiter was the chief god, and the god of sky and thunder.

Was cupid a good god or a bad god?

He was considerred a mischevious god by the Romans.

Why Apollo is a Roman God?

Apollo is a Roman god because the Romans adopted many aspects of Greek culture, including their religion. Apollo was originally a Greek god associated with music, healing, and the sun. The Romans identified Apollo with their own god of similar characteristics, and thus he became part of the Roman pantheon.