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Q: What became of the lands once controlled by the byzantine empire?
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How did lands once controlled by the byzantine empire become part of the Islamic world?

How were lands that were once part of the Byzantine Empire added to the Islamic world?

What was the result of Justinians attempt of reunite the eastern and western halves of the Roman Empire?

All of the western lands of the old empire became part of the Byzantine Empire.

What was the result of Justinian's attempt to reunite the eastern and western halves of the old roman empire?

All of the western lands of the old empire became part of the Byzantine Empire.

What lands did the byzantine empire lose after the death of Justinian 1?

The Byzantine Empire lost the land they took from Russia they took in the first place, after the death of Justinian 1.

What happened to Arab lands once controlled by the Ottoman Empire?

At the end of WW1, the Arab lands once controlled by the Ottoman Empire came under the control of England and France.

How did Justinian expand the Byzantine Empire?

Justinian expanded the Byzantine Empire through means of war and the conquering other lands. The additions of the former Roman provinces of Italia, Baetica, and Africa Proconsularis expanded the Byzantine Empire to it's largest point in history.

What was Turkey during the crusades?

The lands of modern day Turkey were apart of the Byzantine Empire for the most part.

How did the Avars contribute to the fall of the of the Byzantine empire?

The Avars first agreed to subjugate the unruly tribes on behalf of the Byzantine Empire in exchange for gold. When the Byzantine Empire could no longer pay the gold, the Avars raided their Balkan territories. As the Byzantines continually did not or could not pay the stipend asked by the Avars, they continued to raid the Byzantine lands.

What Empire overthrew the Byzantine empire?

The Byzantine Empire, also known as the Eastern Roman Empire

What were the two areas that became part of the Byzantine Empire after Justinian's conquests?

North Africa and Italy.

Was the Mughal Empire just in India?

No. The Mughal Empire controlled lands that are now part of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, in addition to India.

what geographic factor was most important to the growth of the Byzantine?

The Byzantine Empire covered the eastern basin of the Mediterranean and southeastern Europe. Egypt was a massive supplier of grain and an exporter of luxury goods. The empire also controlled the trade routes of luxury goods and spices from China, India, Persia, Arabia and Ethiopia to Europe. It also had trading links with Russia. However, the Byzantine Empire did not grow. It was the other way round. It lost lands to Slav, Arab and Turkish invaders. Byzantine Empire is a term coined by historians to indicate the eastern part of the Roman Empire after the fall of the western part is Byzantine Empire. The Romans did not use this term, they called it Roman Empire and Romania (this referred to this empire and not the country which was later called Romania). The term Byzantine is derived from Byzantium, the Greek city which was redeveloped, turned into the imperial capital of the eastern part of the Roman Empire and renamed Constantinople by emperor Constantine the Great in 330. It is used to indicate the fact that not long after the fall of the western part, this empire became centred on Greece and Greek in character after it lost most of its non-Greek territories. Greek replaced Latin as the official language of this empire in 620, some 150 years after the fall of the west.