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Saratoga established US control. It is often viewed as a turning point of the war, as it was after this battle that Benjamin Franklin was able to convince the French to ally with the United States to help the colonies win the war.

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Q: What battle established US control of the western frontier Richmond Pittsburgh Vincennes or Saratoga?
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What battle established US control of the western frontier?

The battle of Saratoga established the colonies' control of the western frontier. Saratoga is often called the turning point of the war.

Which of the following battles was major victory for the Americans in the west?

The Battle of Vincennes was considered to be a major victory for the Americans in the West. There is a US Naval shipped named in honor of this battle.

Where is the Saratoga Library in Saratoga located?

The address of the Saratoga Library is: 13650 Saratoga Ave., Saratoga, 95070 5099

Where is the Saratoga Historical Foundation in Saratoga California located?

The address of the Saratoga Historical Park And Museum is: 20450 Saratoga Los Gatos Rd, Saratoga, CA 95070

Why is the battle of saratoga called the battles of saratoga?

Because the battle was in New York Saratoga so they call it Saratoga battle.

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What American victory convinced the French to enter into an alliance with the Americans?

Battle of Saratoga

What can you tell me about the Battles of Saratoga?

The battle of saratoga was in Saratoga on the hudsion bay in new york....!!!!!!!!!

Is Saratoga a city or town?

Since you didn't say which Saratoga, the four largest by population are: Saratoga, CA population 30,657 Saratoga, NY population 5,646. Saratoga Springs, NY population 29,126. Saratoga Springs, UT population 16,125.

What influenced the Battle of Saratoga?

Saratoga Springs