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Freedom of expression and freedom of speech

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Q: What basic rights would you add to the declaration?
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What did the Federalists agree to in order to gain support for the new constitution?

The Federalists agreed to add amendments to protecting basic rights in support of a new constitution.

If you could update the Declaration to include other rights which would you include and why What is your definition of a right?

*If you are referring to the Declaration of Independence, then one does not need to add a right: the rights are stated as 'certain inalienable rights' given by God. The Forefathers believed that the only rights delegated to mankind by God were life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, and the ownership of property. Any other right would be considered a delicacy. If you were to add a right, then America's demands to be free would be far-fetched. America only wanted those four rights, which Britain did not grant them, prompting the Revolutionary War. *But if you are referring to the Bill of Rights in the Constitution, than it would be reasonable to add a right, as the rights in it are not stated to be God-given. *A right is 'An abstract idea of that which is due to a person or government body by law, tradition, or nature.'

What did the Bill of Rights add to the constitution?

They added the bill of rights to make sure the rights of citizens would be safe.

Why were the first 10 amendment add to construction?

They are the Bill of Rights and were put there so we would know our rights.

In order to win ratification of the US constitution supporters agreed to?

Alexander Hamilton promised a Bill of Rights would be added to the Constitution, which would be ten amendments promising basic rights to the people. James Madison went through hundreds of proposals and chose ten that related to the things England deprived Americans from that eventually led to the war, and added them to the constitution as the "Bill of Rights"

Is the decleration of independence a constitution?

yes, and then the ammendements that were made were added to the bill of rights, as the way in which the Declaration of Independance (constitution) was written it was made far too hard to add/change what was written. So changes were then added to the bill of rights.

What did the federalists agree to in order to gain support for the new?

The Federalists agreed to add amendments to protecting basic rights in support of a new constitution.

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What did the federalists agree in order to gain support for the new constitution?

The Federalists agreed to add amendments to protecting basic rights in support of a new constitution.

What did federalists agree to in order to gain support for the new constitution?

The Federalists agreed to add amendments to protecting basic rights in support of a new constitution.

What is the difference between a gay person's individual rights and the public good?

Denying basic civil rights to gay people does not add anything to the public good. However, extending equal civil rights to everyone improves the quality of life for all.

Why did Congress add the 14th amendment to the declaration when they did?

Why did Congress add the 14th amendment?