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Q: What aspects of the English political heritage did the colonists claim for themselves?
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What ways did the colonists English political heritage influence American ideas about government and individual rights?

They learned many lessons from the past and they wanted to enjoy all there rights.

In what ways did the colonists' English political heritage influence American ideas about government and individual rights?


How did the colonists image of themselves clash with their status as colonists?

It didn't clash. They were English colonies ruled by an English king and even after the war started they still saw themselves as English.

How did the colonnists image of themselves clash with their status as colonists?

Many colonists thought of themselves as British not American and were not able to live the lifestyle of the British for very long.

How colonists transplanted English ideas of government to America?

The colonists transplanted English ideas of government to America by, they stood with a strong sense of English Political traditions. By doing that, they established a government.

How did colonists transplant English ideas of government to America?

The colonists transplanted English ideas of government to America by, they stood with a strong sense of English Political traditions. By doing that, they established a government.

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What does patriot and loyalist have in common?

All were colonists and most were English, but their political philosophy were different.

Who had final authority over the colonists?

Who had the final authority over the colonists, royal governors, colonial legislatures, citizens themselves, the English monarch

Why did the colonists still consider themselves English citizens?

Most members of the Congress didn't want to break away from England. They wanted the colonies to remain English.

How did colonists defend themselves?

What the colonists did to protect themselves from the actions of Parliament between 1765 and 1775 was to protest. They also refused to import the English goods. A good example of this was the Boston Tea Party.

What 2 principals from the English political heritage greatly influenced your government?

Limited Government and Representative Government