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it focuses on the wheelbarrow as a single specific image

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βˆ™ 2y ago
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mia tortilla

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βˆ™ 2y ago

C. It conveys the ideas of modern life.

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Q: What aspect of this excerpt most clearly marks it as a work of modernism?
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One aspect of "A Jelly-Fish" by Marianne Moore that marks it as a work of Modernism is its fragmented and unconventional structure, which challenges traditional poetic forms. The poem also features vivid imagery and themes of nature that reflect the fragmented and uncertain worldview of the Modernist era. Finally, Moore's precise and succinct language, as well as her focus on the everyday and mundane, are characteristics of Modernist poetry.

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The disjointed syntax and fragmented narrative in the poem are characteristics of Modernism, reflecting a departure from traditional poetic structures. The focus on inner emotions and the uncertainty of the woman's actions also align with the theme of individual experience and subjective reality often found in Modernist literature.

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The fragmented structure and introspective tone of the poem "What lips my lips have kissed, and where, and why" by Edna St. Vincent Millay reflect Modernist characteristics. The focus on fleeting emotions, personal reflection, and the theme of loss and longing are also typical aspects of Modernist poetry.

Does an excerpt need quotations?

Not necessarily, but the use of quotation marks around any expression of lesser quality may be a signal to the reader that the writer is aware of doing it, and not simply failing to know any better.

How do you put excerpt?

To include an excerpt within a piece of writing, you can select a specific portion of text that you want to highlight or showcase. You can then potentially format the excerpt by using quotation marks, italics, or a different font style to set it apart from the rest of the text. Additionally, you may introduce the excerpt with a lead-in sentence to provide context or seamlessly integrate it within your writing.

Where are the timing marks located on the 1994 Taurus 3.8L?

if you mean the ingintion timing marks, they are on the crankshaft pully. Use a rag and some cleaner to see them clearly.

How should speech marks look?

Speech marks, also known as quotation marks, should be represented by double quotation marks (" "). For example, "Hello," she said. It is important to use opening and closing quotation marks to clearly indicate the beginning and end of a quoted statement within a sentence.

What aspect of this poem most clearly marks it as a work of Modernism?

This question can not be answered. You did not give the poem name, so we have no idea what you want to know.

Which way do you put the slanted tally on the tally chart?

It does not matter. The main thing is that it clearly marks a block of 5.

Should the title of a scientific paper be in quotation marks?

No, the title of a scientific paper should not be in quotation marks. It should be written in italics.

Can you give me a sentence with the word 'get' and 'gets'?

Study well in order to get good marks in the test. He gets my jokes when I tell them slowly and clearly.