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Q: What artifacts did the Inuits make?
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Did the Inuits leave behind any artifacts?

Yes, the Inuits have left behind various artifacts such as tools, weapons, clothing, and carvings. These artifacts provide insights into their way of life, traditions, and skills in adapting to the Arctic environment. Many of these artifacts are well-preserved due to the cold temperatures and have been valuable sources of information for archaeologists and anthropologists.

How do you make Inuit plural possessive?

The plural of Inuit can be either Inuit or Inuits. If you are using Inuit as the plural, then the plural possessive is Inuit's; if you are using Inuits as the plural, then the plural possessive is Inuits'.

What do Inuits were?

Inuits mostly wear anything they hunt for example if they kill an animal they will use their fur to make clothes. This is wrong the Inuits wear mockisons and bear, moose fur. Also it is wear not were.

What do Eskimos use to make a window in an igloo?

Inuits do not have igloos.

What was the Inuits region?

The Inuits region is Canada, Alaska, and the Artic

Where the Inuits lived?

The Inuits live in Alaska, Canada, and Greenland.

What did the Inuits use?

The Inuits use Inuit medicine. This is reatrted

Why does iron improve the life of Inuits?

because it helps them make knifes and other weapons

Do Inuits play with killer whales?

No. Inuits do not play with killer whales.

What did the Inuits use for clothing?

The Inuits used animal skins for clothing.

Do the Inuits like to eat cheese?

no they dont

Who did the Inuits trade with?

They traded with other Inuits that were close by.