Army Regulation 600-85
AR 606-5
No, that is a myth. There is no regulation that states a Soldier cannot do PT after a Phase II physical.
The motto of Royal Army Physical Training Corps is 'Mens sana in corpore sano'.
Army Regulation 530-1 and Army Regulation 25-1
Army Regulation 600-85
Army Regulation 614-200, Enlisted Assignments And Utilization Management
Army Regulation 380-10
AR 606-5
The Army Records Information Management System (ARIMS) Army Regulation 25-400-2. This regulation governs the maintenance and disposition of Army information and implements policy on recordkeeping requirements for Army regulations prescribing the creation and maintenance of records under those functional programs.
AR 25-50, Preparing and Managing Correspondence.
Ar 25-2
Usarc reg 608-1
Usarc reg 608-1, para 1-1
Ar 638-2