There are multiple regulations which blanket every MOS. There are multiple regulations pertaining both to all skill levels and to Skill Level 4 personnel. You're not going to find the entire scope of regulations in one paragraph.
The essence of government is not to obey, but to enforce obedience. And therefore it always strives for that and will never willingly abandon its power. But since the power of government rests on the army, it will never give up the army, and the use of the army. Tolstoy The Kingdom of God is Within You
ARMY Scout Platoon 32nd Armor Regiment 3rd Armored Division
he was a 12B which is the MOS code in the army for combat engineer. i also think he was a drill sgt too
Army 82nd airbone is a MOS. This is a job in the Army.
The MOS of 812 designates a heavy weapons man, in particular an nco. This was effctive July 1944 for the US Army.
The essence of government is not to obey, but to enforce obedience. And therefore it always strives for that and will never willingly abandon its power. But since the power of government rests on the army, it will never give up the army, and the use of the army. Tolstoy The Kingdom of God is Within You
The safest MOS in the Army would be one dealing with the Army Band, Human Resources, or finance. These include the MOS - 42F, 42R9B, 42 S, or 44C.
Short answer: Their Regimental Affiliation. Long Answer is spelled out in Army Regulation 600-82.
MOS Military Occupational Specialty
Army 82nd airbone is a MOS. This is a job in the Army.
11B2V is the MOS for an Infantry, E5 Sergeant, Ranger .
Mail clerk is a supplemental duty - it doesn't carry its own MOS.
MOS, military occupational specialty
Anywhere, 35F Intelligence Analyst is a MOS that can be stationed at any Army Base.
The Army Medical Service Corps Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) begins with 91. A Health Care Specialist is 91W. See related links for list of Army medical MOSs.
Medical Entomologist