

What arguments does Paine say?

Updated: 8/23/2023
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Q: What arguments does Paine say?
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They wouldn't like it

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What was the main point of Thomas Paine common sense and how did he support the idea?

Paine's brilliant arguments were straightforward. He argued for two main points: (1) independence from England and (2) the creation of a democratic republic. Paine avoided flowery prose. He wrote in the language of the people, often quoting the Bible in his arguments.

What were the main arguments Thomas Paine in his booklet common sense?

The main arguments explained how people wanted Independence and Republic from Great Britain.

What strong emotional arguments does Paine use here to demonize the British king?


What were some of Thomas Paine's arguments?

He liked Ian Posada dick in his but and Anthony pata stuck it in there.

What arguments did Paine give for independence?

Thomas Paine had 3 main arguments for the colonies to be independent. He stated that the people should have the ability to experience equality. He also stated that the control of Britain was not necessary for the states' survival. Finally, he argued that the time was right for independence.

Why is it important that Thomas Paine wrote in a way that the common man could understand his message?

Because his plain but persuasive arguments helped spread revolutionary sentiment to the entire populace. In short, Paine made the ideas of the Enlightenment cool.

What example of Paine's use of ethos?

One example of Paine's use of ethos is his appeal to common sense and reason in "Common Sense," where he argues that it is only logical for Americans to seek independence from British rule. By presenting his arguments in a straightforward and rational manner, Paine establishes his credibility and persuades readers to consider his viewpoint.

How do you say arguments in Spanish?

The words in Spanish for arguments is argumentos, peleas, discusiones or pleito.

What was thomas Paine famous for what?

What_was_Thomas_Paine_known_forOr:Thomas Paine is known for his pamphlets on independence written during the American Revolution including Common Sense and The Crisis, both published in 1776. These inspired the colonists to take action, providing very good arguments for the colonies' independence.

What does thomas Paine say about the king in common sense?

No, because Paine is saying that the British king is like our laws here in America.