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The argument was the words of President who ordered the bombs. He stated that he wanted to end the war and to collapse the means for Japan to make war ever again. There were other facts as to why to drop the bomb but wanting to end the war fell in the first place.

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Q: What argument do some historians give today for dropping the atomic bomb on japan?
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Continue Learning about General History

Who approved the dropping of an atomic bomb on japan?

Harry s. truman approved the dropping of an atomic bomb on japan.

Who was American leader who authorized the dropping of the atomic bomb on Japan?

President Harry Truman

What was the impact of the dropping of the atomic bombs?

it caused japan to surrender after the second bomb being dropped

What policy was the US using before dropping the atomic bomb?

A written warning to Japan with options.

Why did America want to save Americans lives by dropping atomic bombs?

To avoid an invasion of Japan

Related questions

What was an argument used in favor of dropping atomic bombs of Japan?

it would prevent high casualties that would be caused by an invasion of mainland Japan

What was an argument used in favor or dropping atomic bombs in japan?

it would prevent high casualties that would be caused by an invasion of mainland Japan.

What was an argument used of favor of dropping atomic bombs in japan?

it would prevent high casualties that would be caused by an invasion of mainland Japan

What was an argument used in favor of dropping atomic bomb on japan apex?

it would prevent high casualties that would be caused by an invasion of mainland Japan.

Who approved the dropping of an atomic bomb on japan?

Harry s. truman approved the dropping of an atomic bomb on japan.

What were the results of the dropping of the atomic bombs on japan?


What were the result of the dropping of two atomic bombs on japan?


Cons for dropping te atomic bomb on japan?

See: Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

What event Promped Japan to Surrender?

The dropping of the first atomic bomb.

What was an argument used in favor of dropping atomic bombs on japan?

it would prevent high casualties that would be caused by an invasion of mainland japan

What are the reason for dropping the atomic bombs?

To "convince" Japan to surrender in WWII.

How did America make peace with japan after the dropping of the atomic bombs?

They really didn't. Japan had to surrender and that was all.