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They went to Asia and Brazil. Pedro Alvarez went to south America in 1500. This made them find other routes to Asia and find other important things in other islands and continents.

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Q: What areas of the world did Vasco d Gama and Pedro Alvares Cabral explore and what did these voyages accomplish for Portugal?
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What were the results of Pedro Alvares Cabral voyages?

The results of Pedro Alvares Cabral's voyage was that new land was claimed to Portugal and a new route across the ocean was found.

Where did Amerigo Vespucci begin his expedition?

He sailed across the Atlantic Ocean. On his first voyage, he started at Spain and landed at Brazil. On his second voyage, he started in Portugal and traveled as far south as Argentina.

Who paid for Prince Henry to explore?

As the son of King John I of Portugal, he had access to substantial royal funds, and used this to support voyages of exploration. Prince Henry himself did not go on any of these dangerous voyages.

What were the purposes of the voyages?

Several of his voyages were merely as an observer by the invitation of Manuel I of Portugal. On a voyage in 1500 which was commanded by Pedro Alvares Cabral, the Portuguese discovered Brazil. When this expedition returned to Portugal with the news of this discovery, the King wanted to know if this was an island or part of a continent that the Spanish were exploring further north. Vespucci was once again selected as an observer under the command of Goncalo Coelho. On these voyages they discovered that continent extended further south than was thought.

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William Brooks Greenlee has written: 'The voyage of Pedro Alvares Cabral to Brazil and India, from contemporary documents and narratives' -- subject(s): Voyages and travels, Travel 'The voyage of Pedro Alvares Cabral to Brazil and India' -- subject(s): Voyages and travels

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King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain sponsored Amerigo Vespucci in his voyages. The main trip being the one that brought him to the New World, which later took his name. edit by someone else: one of his voyages was funded by Portugal. The rest were Spain.

What country sent amerigo vespucci on his voyages?


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