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After the First Punic War, Rome took over the Carthaginian territories in western Sicily and controlled the whole of Sicily and the small islands around it. She also took advantage of Carthage having to deal with a rebellion of her mercenaries to also seize , Sardinia and Corsica from Carthage.

In the Second Punic War, Rome took over the Carthaginian territories in southern Spain after defeating the Carthaginians there. Carthage also lost the support of their allies and next door neighbours, the Numidians of Algeria, who defected to Rome. At this point Rome dominated the western basin of the Mediterranean.

In the Third Punic War, Rome destroyed Carthage and took over her remaining territories, Tunisia, her homeland, and western Libya.

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Justine Wiegand

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After the First Punic War, Rome took over the Carthaginian territories in western Sicily and controlled the whole of Sicily and the small islands around it. She also took advantage of Carthage having to deal with a rebellion of her mercenaries to also seize , Sardinia and Corsica from Carthage.

In the Second Punic War, Rome took over the Carthaginian territories in southern Spain after defeating the Carthaginians there. Carthage also lost the support of their allies and next door neighbours, the Numidians of Algeria, who defected to Rome. At this point Rome dominated the western basin of the Mediterranean.

In the Third Punic War, Rome destroyed Carthage and took over her remaining territories, Tunisia, her homeland, and western Libya.

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No island was found by Carthage and Rome. The first Punic War, the first of the tree wars fought between Rome and Carthage, was over the control of Sicily.

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