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i think it is South Carolina

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Q: What area of the British colonies in American that had the most need of slaves?
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Who claimed the area west of the 13 colonies?

The British.

Was the Rhode Island colony the smallest colony?

Of the thirteen British colonies on the North American continent, Rhode Island was the smallest in terms of land area.

Did German colonies have slaves?

Yes. many of the Germans formed colonies in Africa to take over the people as their slaves. once an area was colonized by Germans a big slave market there often followed

How long did slavery exist in the US before the Civil War?

The slave trade that existed between West Africa and the Western Hemisphere began shortly after the flood of European explorers and expeditions came to the Western Hemisphere. Excluding Spanish held Florida, the area of the British colonies that first bought slaves from the Portuguese slave traders were in the British colony of Jamestown in the early 1600's. After the successful American Revolution, the thirteen former colonies continued to use slaves.If the independence of the American colonies is used as a starting point, then the US had slavery from the late 1800's to 1865.

What two political events had the greatest impact on American colonial development?

Wars are the wages of political discontent. Two major political events shaped the American colonies. One was the French & Indian War in 1754 to 1763. In this war, the British American colonies and the British army defeated France. This took France out of power or claims in Canada and in the area of the Northern hemisphere from the Mississippi River to as far as the British colonies already existed.The second major political event was the American Revolutionary War. War, again is the offspring of serious political differences. In this case, this war gave birth to a new nation, eventually called the United States.

Related questions

Who claimed the area west of the 13 colonies?

The British.

How did Delaware become an a British colony?

Prior to becoming an American-British colony, the area that is now Delaware was settled by Swedes and Dutch immigrants. In 1682, it was ceded to the powerful British. Soon after it became one of the thirteen original American colonies.

Was the Rhode Island colony the smallest colony?

Of the thirteen British colonies on the North American continent, Rhode Island was the smallest in terms of land area.

Did German colonies have slaves?

Yes. many of the Germans formed colonies in Africa to take over the people as their slaves. once an area was colonized by Germans a big slave market there often followed

How long did slavery exist in the US before the Civil War?

The slave trade that existed between West Africa and the Western Hemisphere began shortly after the flood of European explorers and expeditions came to the Western Hemisphere. Excluding Spanish held Florida, the area of the British colonies that first bought slaves from the Portuguese slave traders were in the British colony of Jamestown in the early 1600's. After the successful American Revolution, the thirteen former colonies continued to use slaves.If the independence of the American colonies is used as a starting point, then the US had slavery from the late 1800's to 1865.

What two political events had the greatest impact on American colonial development?

Wars are the wages of political discontent. Two major political events shaped the American colonies. One was the French & Indian War in 1754 to 1763. In this war, the British American colonies and the British army defeated France. This took France out of power or claims in Canada and in the area of the Northern hemisphere from the Mississippi River to as far as the British colonies already existed.The second major political event was the American Revolutionary War. War, again is the offspring of serious political differences. In this case, this war gave birth to a new nation, eventually called the United States.

What future state was used as a refuge for runaway slaves and as a staging area for Creek Indian attacks on American settlers?

i believe it's Florida... "The British were angry that Spanish officials tolerated and invited runaway slaves into Florida." (Wikipedia/History of Flordia/Spanish Rule)

The three large area into which the 13 british colonies were divided were called?

New England Middle Southern

In what area did the British forts after the American revolution?

the American territory along the Great Lakes

What American Indian groups lived in the area of the southern colonies?

Cherokee, Iroquois, Seminole

Is it true that African slaves were brought to replace native American slaves who died from disease or over work?

No, the transatlantic slave trade involving African slaves was a separate and distinct historical phenomenon from the use of Native American slaves in the Americas. Africans were brought to the Americas primarily to meet the labor demands of the rapidly expanding European colonies. Native American populations did suffer greatly from disease and mistreatment by European colonizers, but the enslavement of Africans was not a direct replacement for Native American slaves.

The british colonies in north America were similar to great Britain in this area of the legal system?

Common Law legal system