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Q: What are two obvious ideas in the advertisement that reflect European views about race and the nonwhite people living in European colonies What do these ideas imply about European colonialism and the?
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In In the beginning why were the nonwhite South Africans helpless to end apartheid?

they were not allowed to vote or hold office!

Why shouldn't the Holocaust be used as a source of humour?

Because of the amount of people that died, it would be in very bad taste to use the holocaust as a source of humour. People might think that you are neutral to racism or that you're a racist yourself. Six million European Jews and all the other people, were killed for no reason (no valid reason). Gypsies, Jews, nonwhite people, the list goes on. So you see, it would be very insensitive to do so.

Who did not agree with the annexation of the Philippines after the spanish-American war?

After the Spanish-American War, some of the old "Radical Republicans" and other members of Congress opposed the idea of acquiring colonies. A large portion of the Democratic Party, led by William Jennings Bryan, opposed annexation of colonies. Anti-imperialists reminded the nation of our anti colonial heritage. Many anti-imperialists were racists or appealed to those with racist ideas. They questioned whether is was wise to bring "nonwhite" people "under our flag." Many simply opposed the annexation of the Philippines because it would be too costly and would force the US to send American troops into "harm's way" to put down any resistance to our taking over.

Who could vote at the time of the declaration of independence?

Only white landowning men could participate in the political process at that time. Suffrage wasn't extended to those without property and nonwhite men until the 19th century, and women could not vote until the 20th.

Who did not stimulate US Imperialism?

There were many groups that were against imperialism as a policy for the United States. Prior to the Civil War, many northerners were opposed to acquiring more territory in the west because they feared the spread of slavery. After the Spanish-American War, some of the old "Radical Republicans" and other members of Congress opposed the idea of acquiring colonies. A large portion of the Democratic Party, led by William Jennings Bryan, opposed annexation of colonies. Anti-imperialists reminded the nation of our anti colonial heritage. They quoted Lincoln in reminding the nation that no man is good enough to govern another man without that man's consent. Many anti-imperialists were racists or appealed to those with racist ideas. They questioned whether is was wise to bring "nonwhite" people "under our flag." Many simply opposed imperialism because it would be too costly and would force the US to send American troops into "harm's way" to put down any resistance to our taking over other lands.

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Why did nonwhite immigrants have a harder time assimilating European immigrants did?

Because blacks always were banging goats

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Because blacks always were banging goats

Why did nonwhite immigrants have a harder time assimilating than European immigrants?

Because blacks always were banging goats

How many nonwhite senators?

As of September 2021, there are currently three nonwhite senators serving in the United States Senate.

What is a sentence for apartheid?

a rigid policy of segregation of a nonwhite population.

Who was your first nonwhite vice-president of America?

Charles curtis

Which of the following describes the policy of apartheid used in South Africa in the years following World War 2?

It prevented nonwhite South Africans from fully participating in politics.

In In the beginning why were the nonwhite South Africans helpless to end apartheid?

they were not allowed to vote or hold office!

In the beginning why were the nonwhite south africans helpless to end apartheid?

they were not allowed to vote or hold office!

What is expected to happen in America by According to census trends?

The majority of children being born will be nonwhite

According to census Trends what is expected to happen to America by 2023?

The majority of children being born will be nonwhite

What factors was a major obstacle in Hawaii's path to U.S. statehood?

Answer this question…Hawaii's large nonwhite population