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Q: What are two main reasons the settlers become sick?
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What are three reasons the president would be unable to carry out the powers and duties of his office?

Reasons why the President can not perform his duties. 1. He is dead 2. He is very sick, either physically or mentally -- there are a huge number of illnesses that could make him very sick.

What did the Jewish prisoners do if they weren't considered fit enough?

If a prisoner in the camps reported sick (most did not for obvious reasons), they would be given a lethal injection.

What were the reasons that lead the settlers to move west?

Some people found that they couldn't settle down in the east where a lot of rules were being changed, and there were man riots, so they moved west to find land that isn't populated yet. It was hard for them to get west because of all the different kinds of land and the weather. People weren't always carrying the best supplies. They could run out of fod easily or get sick. Or they could die from having to climb mountains to go more west.

Why were the early Jamestown full of hardship?

The location of the colony was swampy and filled with malaria-carrying mosquitoes which made the colonists sick with fever. Others got sick from the river water. And the London Company incorrectly told the settlers that the colony would be rich in gold. They spent their days searching for gold rather than building houses and growing food.

What did Hitler blame the homosexuals for?

He didn't blame them for anything, really, he just didn't want gay people 'polluting the pure Aryan blood.' So he killed them. He killed the elderly, the sick, the infirm, and the handicapped for the same reasons.

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One might one to be a doctor for a variety of reasons such as working in a busy and challenging environment, for job certainty or for monetary reasons. However, the main reason one would become a doctor is for the desire to help sick people.

Around Florida what are the most common reasons for turtles to become sick or injured?

Some common reasons for turtles in Florida to become sick or injured include boat strikes, entanglement in fishing gear, ingestion of marine debris, exposure to toxic algae blooms, and habitat loss due to human development. These factors can lead to injuries, infections, illnesses, and even death for these vulnerable animals.

Why do adults become dizzy and sick more quickly when spinning around than children?

There are many reasons why adults become dizzy and sick more quickly when spinning around than children. Adults are higher from the ground for example.

Why do you want to throw up?

There can be many reasons for a person to become sick all of a sudden: overeating, eating food that was off, or your stomach might be upset for a number of other reasons. If you feel better afterwards, probably nothing much was the matter. If you still feel sick or if vomiting returns you might want to see a doctor.

If you believe your sick can you become sick?

i would say yes. this is because if you just say your going to become sick your going to become sick or im sick im sick, then your body is probly going to think its sick and if you act like it well ya i would say its mostly mental, and if you think your sick in mental thoughts, then your bodys going to react to it

When you are sick does the sick become a gas?

i have no clue but why do you want to know

What was the primary cause of death among tobacco-growing settlers?

The primary cause of death among tobacco-growing settlers was nicotine poisoning. These settlers ingested too much nicotine, and they got sick and died.

How do you become sick on a sunny day?

the same way you become sick on other days - through exposure to pathogens

What are the main reasons of sick unit?

A sick unit means the expected flow of return from the investment is not proper. It may lead to 1.non frofitable business 2. Expenses as campared to the investment is more 3. the man power working with the unit is demotivated

When you are sick do you have the flu?

There are many thousands, if not millions, of reasons you can get sick; flu is not the only sickness. If you have the flu you are usually sick, but it isn't the other way around.

Can sims get injured?

I think no, they can just get sick. (Reasons : vermin, food poisoning, mysterious disease, interactions with sick Sims)

Why sheep don't get sick?

Yes they can become sick from eating toxic plants, they can get worms and they can get respiratory infections.