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Q: What are two examples of how environment influenced The cultures of American Indian groups?
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What are examples of how climate and resources affected Native American cultures?

three examples of how climate and resources affected native american cultures

What are some examples of Native Americans technology that the environment influenced?

Native American technologies that were influenced by the environment include: Inuit igloo sweat lodge tipis wigwams dome homes canoes shell fish lures pottery made from clay snowshoes toboggans

What are three examples of how climate and resources affected native american cultures?

it affects a house by drying out the peices used to make it

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Masculine cultures tend to emphasize assertiveness, competitiveness, and achievement, whereas feminine cultures prioritize collaboration, cooperation, and nurturing. Examples of masculine cultures include Japan and Germany, while examples of feminine cultures include Norway and Sweden.

Three of the examples are accurate which one is not accurate?

Native American pre-Columbian oral literature (Native Americans, influenced by Benjamin Franklin)

What are all the cultures?

There are a ton of cultures. Examples are: Western, Eastern, Scandinavian, Medeterranian, Mayan

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What are some elements and examples of the diversity that makes up the culture of the United State?

The United States has often been thought of as a melting pot. The culture of the United States is for the most part a Western culture, but is also influenced by Native American, African, Asian, Polynesian and Latin American cultures. The United States is an ethnically and racially varied country as a result of large-scale immigration from many different countries throughout its history.

What are examples of transculturation?

Some examples of transculturation include the blending of African, European, and Indigenous American cultures in Latin America, the fusion of Japanese and Western styles in Harajuku fashion, and the incorporation of Asian ingredients in Mexican cuisine. Transculturation occurs when different cultures interact and influence each other, leading to the creation of new and unique cultural practices.

What are two examples of adaptation of cultural environment?

Two examples of adaptation to a cultural environment are: 1. Language acquisition 2. Lifestyle changes For example, let's say a Venezuelan family moves to the United States. Venezuelan and American cultures are very different. One way the family can adapt to their new environment is by learning English, which would allow them to communicate with other Americans as well as seek employment and succeed in school. Another way the family can adapt is by making lifestyle changes. This can be as simple as holiday traditions, like celebrating Thanksgiving and the Fourth of July (neither of which are celebrated in Venezuela).

What are the kinds of food which the Americans influenced the Filipinos?

the examples of food that animal influenced are hotdogs, spaghetti, hamburger, and others

What are some examples of cultural leveling?

Cultural leveling refers to the process of different cultures becoming more similar. Examples include the global spread of American fast food chains, the popularity of English as a global language, and the homogenization of fashion trends worldwide.