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Q: What are tribes and where they are found?
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Who found the twelve tribes?

It was Jacob.

These tribes are found in central Asia?


What tribes are found in Dafur?

1, the Dafur tribe

What are the tribes found in equatorial region?

Some tribes found in the equatorial region include the Mbuti and Efe in the Congo Basin, the Baka in Central Africa, the Yanomami in the Amazon Rainforest, and the Huli in Papua New Guinea. These tribes have unique cultures, languages, and traditional practices that have adapted to the tropical environment in which they live.

What are two of the native American tribes that were found in Colorado?

Just a few of the historic tribes in Colorado:ApacheBannockComancheKiowaNavajoPuebloShoshoniUteThe Cheyenne and Arapaho tribes were frequent visitors but did not usually remain in the area.

What are the different tribes found in palawan how does each tribes contribute to the beauty of the music of palawan?

this is the coconut tree , that live in monkey.........

Who are the tribes found in Scandinavia?

The Sami, formerly known as the Lapps.

Where in the world is obesity most commonly found?

Obesity is commonly found in the Indian Tribes of America.

Who were the abuj maria tribes?

These tribes of India are generally found in Abujhmar Mountains and Kutrumar Hills in the Bastar district of Madhya Pradesh.

How many Hilltribes are there in Chiang Mai?

There are a great deal of hill tribes in Northern Thailand. Details of hill tribes can be found at AFECT - The oldest NGO in Thailand for hill tribes

Were the Isrealites Jewish?

yes they found the jews and joined tribes

What are 3 of the native Americans tribes that are or were found in Alabama?

jason aiyana aliya