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Great hair.

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Q: What are things Queen Marie Antoinette and George Washington have in common?
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Related questions

Is George Washington common or proper noun?

The noun 'George Washington' is a proper noun, the name of a specific person. Proper nouns are the unique names of people, places, or things. Common nouns are general words for people, places, or thing.

Two things that are nemed after George Washington?

Washington, DC and the Washington Monument

What are two things named after George Washington besides Washington D.C.?

The Washington Monument in Washington DC The state of Washington

Places and things are named after George Washington?

There are many things and places named after George Washington. Some of the places are Fort Washington, California, Fort Washington, Pennsylvania, Little Washington, Virginia, and Washington, Iowa. Some things named after him are Georgetown College, Washington College, Central Washington University, Mount Washington, and the George Washington Bridge.

How many products did George Washington make from sweet potatoes?

George Washington carver made 108 things from sweet potatoes.almost 56 things

What did George Carver do?

George Washington Carver invented many things from peanuts.

Can you compare and contrast between Columbus and George Washington?

George Washington and Columbus were very different in ways they accomplished things. Washington was respected as columbus was not

What are some things named after George Washington?


What things did the first Americans do well?

george washington

What are things George Washington did not do when he was alive?

Kill the Batman

Why did George Washington have different problems than other presidents?

because george washington was the first president and he had to do more things when he started

What genre is the book George Washington's socks?

The book "George Washington's Socks" is a historical fiction novel for children.