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Income security and health and education.

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Q: What are the two largest categories for federal spending?
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Is social security and interest on the public debt the two largest categories for federal spending?


What do federal taxes pay for?

The four largest expenditures are Defense spending, Medicare, Social Security, and Interest payments on the national debt. These account for over two thirds of the entire federal budget.

What are the top two spending outlays of the state of California?

The largest expenditure in the state of California is education at the K-12 level. The state of California also spends a great deal of money on the prison system along with the health and human resources (welfare) department.

What are the two largest categories of airline overhead expense?

Fuel & Labor

Why is it difficult for the federal government to increase or decrease spending?

Because two thirds of all government spending is on entitlements which the government connot easily alter. (by Solomon Zelman)

What two major categories does federal law divide medicines into?

prescription and over-the-counter

What are collective bargaining agreements (CBA)?

What are the two categories of complaints detailed in the US Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Statute (5 U.S.C.) are:

What are two examples of controllable spending in the federal budget?

social security, expanding highways, and unemployment compensation.

What are the two categories of complaints in the federal service labor-management relations statute?

unfair labor practices and grievances

What are two categories of complaints detailed in the US federal service labor management?

unfair labor practices and grievances

What are the two ways the federal government could respond to an increase in the economy?

raise income taxes and decrease government spending

What are the two categories of complaints in the US Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Statute?

unfair labor practices and grievances