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The Tonkin Gulf incident (both the 2 & 4 August '64 events) and the military draft.

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Q: What are the two controversail aspects of the Vietnam war?
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What controversail war was the US involved in during the turbulent sixeties?

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Why Vietnam won the war but lost the peace?

Vietnam won the French war. North Vietnam won the American Vietnam War. There was no such country named "Vietnam" during the American Vietnam War 1955-1975. There were two nations: North VN & South VN.

What were the two prases of the Vietnam war?

From guerrilla war to conventional war.

The two hot wars of the cold war?

There were many more than just two, but Korea and Vietnam were the largest and most serious of the Cold War 'skirmishes."

How many Vietnam wars were there?

Two: 1st Indochina War (French Indochina War) & 2nd Indochina War (America's Vietnam War).

Was it actually a war Vietnam war?

Dictionary:War- Armed conflict between two or more nations. Vietnam War: United States vs North Vietnam. It computes.

Which two original countries won the Vietnam war?

North Vietnam won them.