The Great Depression was caused by a large amount of environmental factors that proved to be to much to handle at the time. The top causes of the Great Depression are: the stock market's crash, World War I, and the changes within the United States's political power.
yes there are MANY
Although the causes are still debated to this day; typically most people date the Depression to the October, 1929 stock market crash.
overspeculation, expansion of credit, debt, high tariffs
the causes of the great depression are,the impact of the first world war,the closure of many banks,the closure of markets,a lot of money spent on the WWI and depopulation as a lot of people died in the WWI
It was greed of the rich and is now doing the same thing today
The dustbowl is a nickname for the Midwest during the great depression. I is one factor that causes the great depression because of the shortage of food.
yes there are MANY
Great Depression
The most popular belief of the cause of the Great Depression is the stock market crash of 1929. Economist still debate about the other causes. Excess speculation in the stock markets added to the causes of the depression.
the cause what not enough chesse in germany
You can find articles and information about the causes of depression at the WebMD website. Once on the page, type "Causes of Depression" into the search field at the top of the page and press enter to bring up the information.
There were several things that culminated in the Great Depression. Primary among them are the Stock Market crash of 1929 and the unequal distribution of wealth.
what caused world war1 is the great depression
Although the causes are still debated to this day; typically most people date the Depression to the October, 1929 stock market crash.
overspeculation, expansion of credit, debt, high tariffs
the causes of the great depression are,the impact of the first world war,the closure of many banks,the closure of markets,a lot of money spent on the WWI and depopulation as a lot of people died in the WWI