

Best Answer

1. Title card

2. Author card

3. Subject card

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Q: What are the three examples of card catalog?
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Three examples or types of card catalog?

Ewan ko sau

What are examples of card catalog?

author card, title card and subject card the nonfiction and fiction are the types of card catalog

Kinds of card catalog?

THREE KINDS OF CATALOG CARDS: title card, author card && subject card. (: slide rule cards):

Where can you see examples of a card catalog?

Mostly in Libraries.

Three kinds of card catalog and its function?

author card,tittle card,

What are the three kinds of card catalog and their definition?

== ==

Give the three types of card catalog?

title card author card subject card

How do you use card catalogs?

Examples of card catalogs:Stamp catalog (postage stamps)In science:In merchandising:

What three kinds of computer files will you find in a card catalog?

for the cards there are author subject and title

Three types of card catalog and definition?


What are the three entries of card catalog?

The book's publisher.

What are the 3 kinds of cards catalog?

author card;title card and subject card three kind of catalogue we find in library.