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both gladiators were slaughtered in bloody battle

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Q: What are the things that happened on the day of a fight for a gladiator?
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What were the possible outcomes in the Roman Gladiator games?

They either die, or live to fight another day. They could also gain their freedom or release from their gladiatorial oath.

Who would win soldier or gladiator?

Gladiator all day niqqa

How long did gladiator fights last?

To the death or until one combatant surrendered. But remember, they did not always fight to the death, more times than not a gladiator would get a "misio" which could be likened to a pass. He'd get off with his life, but would not get paid for his combat for that day.

What happened in the 1900 and what day?

Many things happened worldwide. The question is too broad

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November the 2nd 2007 was a day that people did their ordinary day to day things nothing out of the ordinary happened. . As far as I know..!

How were gladiators treated in gladiator schools?

ated like slave soliders they would train to fight animals and slaves and be fead once a day and would constantly be imune to desiese (pretty much shit)

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Weapon fight using every day things as weaponry.

What day was 21st April 1938?

alot of things happened on this day haha, germany nazis and that were involved ;)

What is a typical day for a gladiator?

long , hard and may be crazy but it can hurt

How does the Gladiator games and modern day sporting events differ?

no lions

Top 10 things that happened in 2004?

some of the events that happened would be the day swine flu came, the MTV awards, and a lot of other things happened too

What happened on?

Hi, So many things happened on that day around the world. Question to open ended. Can you narrow it a little?