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Ever since her independence from British rule in 1948, Myanmar has been facing political instability -- an offshoot of the British policy of divide and rule. Today, this strategically important country has become synonymous with poverty, illegal drug trade, human right violation, total collapse of the education system, lack of freedom of expression, etc. Any attempt at restoration of democracy has been violently suppressed, as had happened in 1988 and again in 1990, when the military junta refused to honour the verdict of the multi party election, which had brought Aung sung su kyi to power. Today, pro-democratic forces are working under severe limitation and restrictions imposed by the government.

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Rich in Natural Resources, Burma was once one of the wealthiest countries in Southeast Asia. Today, after 37 years of military rule and isolationist policies, it is one of the poorest; and it has the second worst human rights record in the world, after Algeria.

Burma is situated in Southeast Asia bordering Thailand, India, Laos and China.

Burma was a colony of Great Britain for over 200 years. Before the British

conquered Burma, it was not a unified state with the boundaries it has now. Burma was composed of eight major ethnic groups: Karen, Shan, Kachin, Chin, Arakan, Mon,

Karenni, and the Burmans. Each province had its own King and the people were considered his property. Except for border trade, there was very little contact made between the different kingdoms. Each ethnic group had its own system of governance, beliefs, and culture.

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Q: What are the struggles of Aung San Suu Kyi to democracy in Myanmar?
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The people of Myanmar elected Aung San Suu Kyi.But the military leaders of Myanmar refused to step down and did not accept the election's results . Besides , the military put the elected pro-democracy leaders , including Aung San Suu Kyi,under house arrest . Aung San Suu Kyi continued her struggle for democracy . Her struggle has won international fame . She has also been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.Although the people of Myanmar are still struggling to bring a democratic government in their country.

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Myanmar, formerly known as Burma

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She was fighting for democracy in her homeland.

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The people of Myanmar elected Aung San Suu Kyi.But the military leaders of Myanmar refused to step down and did not accept the election's results . Besides , the military put the elected pro-democracy leaders , including Aung San Suu Kyi,under house arrest . Aung San Suu Kyi continued her struggle for democracy . Her struggle has won international fame . She has also been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.Although the people of Myanmar are still struggling to bring a democratic government in their country.

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Her name is Aung Sann Suu Kyi

Do the people in Myanmar have the right to vote?

yes , the people have the right to vote according to the so called democracy . At present the people can vote but not earlier during the time of aung san suu kyi

Aung san suu kyi achievements?

She is active in the National League for Democracy