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Helicopters were extensively used by the Americans to transport their troops to and from patrol areas. This was mainly due to the difficult terrain, and to lessen the chances of being ambushed while on foot.

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Q: What are the soldiers on the field transported by?
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Soldiers in the field are transported by?

Military vehicles such as trucks, armored vehicles, helicopters, and airplanes are commonly used to transport soldiers in the field. The mode of transportation depends on the specific mission requirements and the terrain where the soldiers are operating.

How did Australian soldiers get to Gallipoli?

They were transported there, by Navy vessels.

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Soldiers Field Soccer Stadium was created in 2010.

How did British soldiers get to France in World War 1?

British soldiers were transported to France during World War 1 primarily by ships. The soldiers were transported across the English Channel from various ports in England, including Southampton, Folkestone, and Dover. Once in France, they were then transported by rail to their respective deployment areas.

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Operation Dynamo, carried out by volunteers at Dunkirk in 1940, rescued 350,000 British and French soldiers and transported them to England.

Is railway related to world war 2?

Most definitely. The railways transported soldiers around places and transported many innocent lives to concentration camps which was controlled by the Nazis.

How was the US army transported to the European battlefields?

Most US soldiers were transported to foreign duty stations by Naval transport until the Vietnam era when transport shifted primarily to airplane.

How do you use transport in a sentence?

It was fairly expensive to transport his limousine to Japan. The soldiers spent a miserable day crossing the sea in a transport ship.

How were World War 2 soldiers transported back to us at end of war?

a few were sent back with planes but most of the soldiers were sent back with ships and some stayed in Germany after ww2

How old is Soldiers Field?

Soldier Field opened on October 9, 1924.

When Henry's led the spectral soldiers into the field what did the spectral soldiers do?

He started running towards a little clump of bushes.